📜  flutter round up double (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:30:48.508000             🧑  作者: Mango

Flutter Round Up Double

As a developer, you may encounter a situation where you need to round up a double value to the nearest integer. In Dart, you can use the round() method to achieve this goal. However, round() method always rounds down the value. So, what if you need to round up the double value?

Ceil() Method

Fortunately, Dart also provides another method called ceil(). This method rounds up the value to the nearest integer. You can use this method to round up the double value.

Here is the syntax for the ceil() method:


The ceil() method returns the smallest integer value that is greater than or equal to the double value.


Let's see some examples of how to use the ceil() method in Dart.

double num1 = 3.14;
double num2 = 8.65;

int result1 = num1.ceil();
int result2 = num2.ceil();

print(result1); // Output: 4
print(result2); // Output: 9

In the above code, we have defined two double variables num1 and num2. We have then used the ceil() method to round up these values to the nearest integer. The result is then stored in result1 and result2. Finally, we have printed the results to the console.


In this article, we have learned how to round up a double value to the nearest integer in Dart using the ceil() method. Remember to use ceil() when you need to round up a value and round() when you need to round down a value.