📜  C函数示例

📅  最后修改于: 2020-10-04 12:14:45             🧑  作者: Mango




  1. 用户定义功能
  2. 用户定义函数的类型
  3. 局部变量的范围
  4. 递归

Display all prime numbers between two Intervals
Check prime and Armstrong number by making functions
Check whether a number can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers
Find the sum of natural numbers using recursion
Calculate the factorial of a number using recursion
Find G.C.D using recursion
Reverse a sentence using recursion
Calculate the power of a number using recursion
Convert a binary number to decimal and vice-versa
Convert an octal Number to decimal and vice-versa
Convert a binary number to octal and vice-versa