📜  .net core 升级助手 - C# 代码示例

📅  最后修改于: 2022-03-11 14:48:42.742000             🧑  作者: Mango

upgrade-assistant upgrade 
  upgrade-assistant upgrade [options] 


  --skip-backup                                  Disables backing up the project. This is not recommended unless the
                                                 project is in source control since this tool will make large changes
                                                 to both the project and source files.
  --extension                         Specifies a .NET Upgrade Assistant extension package to include. This
                                                 could be an ExtensionManifest.json file, a directory containing an
                                                 ExtensionManifest.json file, or a zip archive containing an extension.
                                                 This option can be specified multiple times.
  -e, --entry-point                 Provides the entry-point project to start the upgrade process. This
                                                 may include globbing patterns such as '*' for match.
  -v, --verbose                                  Enable verbose diagnostics
  --non-interactive                              Automatically select each first option in non-interactive mode.
  --non-interactive-wait   Wait the supplied seconds before moving on to the next option in
                                                 non-interactive mode.
  --target-tfm-support      Select if you would like the Long Term Support (LTS), Current, or
                                                 Preview TFM. See
                                                 https://dotnet.microsoft.com/platform/support/policy/dotnet-core for
                                                 details for what these mean.
  --version                                      Show version information
  -?, -h, --help                                 Show help and usage information