📜  C中的运算符|集合1(算术运算符)

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-25 21:00:25             🧑  作者: Mango


  • 算术运算符s(+,-,*,/,%,后递增,前递增,后递减,前递减)
  • 关系运算符(==,!=,>,<,> =&<=)逻辑运算符(&&,||和!)
  • 按位运算符(&,|,^,〜,>>和<<)
  • 赋值运算符s(=,+ =,-=,* =等)
  • 其他运算符(条件运算符,逗号,sizeof,地址,重定向)


  • 加法: ‘+’运算符将两个操作数相加。例如, x + y
  • 减法: ‘-‘运算符减去两个操作数。例如, xy
  • 乘法: ‘*’运算符将两个操作数相乘。例如, x * y
  • 除法: ‘/’运算符将第一个操作数除以第二个操作数。例如, x / y
  • 模量:当第一个操作数除以第二个操作数时, ‘%’运算符返回余数。例如, x%y
// C program to demonstrate
// working of binary arithmetic
// operators
int main()
    int a = 10, b = 4, res;
    // printing a and b
    printf("a is %d and b is %d\n", a, b);
    res = a + b; // addition
    printf("a+b is %d\n", res);
    res = a - b; // subtraction
    printf("a-b is %d\n", res);
    res = a * b; // multiplication
    printf("a*b is %d\n", res);
    res = a / b; // division
    printf("a/b is %d\n", res);
    res = a % b; // modulus
    printf("a%%b is %d\n", res);
    return 0;

using namespace std;
int main() {
    int a = 10, b = 4, res;
    // printing a and b
    cout<<"a is "<

// C program to demonstrate working
// of Unary arithmetic
// operators
int main()
    int a = 10, b = 4, res;
    // post-increment example:
    // res is assigned 10 only, a is not updated yet
    res = a++;
    printf("a is %d and res is %d\n", a,
           res); // a becomes 11 now
    // post-decrement example:
    // res is assigned 11 only, a is not updated yet
    res = a--;
    printf("a is %d and res is %d\n", a,
           res); // a becomes 10 now
    // pre-increment example:
    // res is assigned 11 now since
    // a is updated here itself
    res = ++a;
    // a and res have same values = 11
    printf("a is %d and res is %d\n", a, res);
    // pre-decrement example:
    // res is assigned 10 only since a is updated here
    // itself
    res = --a;
    // a and res have same values = 10
    printf("a is %d and res is %d\n", a, res);
    return 0;

using namespace std;
int main()
    int a = 10, b = 4, res;
    // post-increment example:
    // res is assigned 10 only,
    // a is not updated yet
    res = a++;
    // a becomes 11 now
    cout << "a is " << a
         << " and res is "
         << res << "\n";
    // post-decrement example:
    // res is assigned 11 only,
    // a is not updated yet
    res = a--;
    // a becomes 10 now
    cout << "a is " << a
         << " and res is "
         << res << "\n";
    // pre-increment example:
    // res is assigned 11 now
    // since a is updated here itself
    res = ++a;
    // a and res have same values = 11
    cout << "a is " << a
         << " and res is "
         << res << "\n";
    // pre-decrement example:
    // res is assigned 10 only
    // since a is updated here
    // itself
    res = --a;
    // a and res have same values = 10
    cout << "a is " << a
         << " and res is "
         << res << "\n";
    return 0;


a is 10 and b is: 4
a+b is: 14
a-b is: 6
a*b is: 40
a/b is: 2
a%b is: 2


  • 递增: ‘++’运算符用于递增整数的值。当放置在变量名之前(也称为pre-increment 运算符),其值立即增加。例如, ++ x
    并且当将其放在变量名之后(也称为post-increment 运算符)时,其值将暂时保留,直到执行此语句为止,并且在下一个语句执行之前对其进行更新。例如, x ++
  • 减: “ – –”运算符用于减少整数值。当放置在变量名(也称为pre-decrement 运算符)之前时,其值立即减小。例如, – – x
    并且当将其放在变量名之后(也称为post-decrement运算符)时,其值将暂时保留,直到执行该语句为止,并且在下一个语句执行之前对其进行更新。例如, x – –


// C program to demonstrate working
// of Unary arithmetic
// operators
int main()
    int a = 10, b = 4, res;
    // post-increment example:
    // res is assigned 10 only, a is not updated yet
    res = a++;
    printf("a is %d and res is %d\n", a,
           res); // a becomes 11 now
    // post-decrement example:
    // res is assigned 11 only, a is not updated yet
    res = a--;
    printf("a is %d and res is %d\n", a,
           res); // a becomes 10 now
    // pre-increment example:
    // res is assigned 11 now since
    // a is updated here itself
    res = ++a;
    // a and res have same values = 11
    printf("a is %d and res is %d\n", a, res);
    // pre-decrement example:
    // res is assigned 10 only since a is updated here
    // itself
    res = --a;
    // a and res have same values = 10
    printf("a is %d and res is %d\n", a, res);
    return 0;


using namespace std;
int main()
    int a = 10, b = 4, res;
    // post-increment example:
    // res is assigned 10 only,
    // a is not updated yet
    res = a++;
    // a becomes 11 now
    cout << "a is " << a
         << " and res is "
         << res << "\n";
    // post-decrement example:
    // res is assigned 11 only,
    // a is not updated yet
    res = a--;
    // a becomes 10 now
    cout << "a is " << a
         << " and res is "
         << res << "\n";
    // pre-increment example:
    // res is assigned 11 now
    // since a is updated here itself
    res = ++a;
    // a and res have same values = 11
    cout << "a is " << a
         << " and res is "
         << res << "\n";
    // pre-decrement example:
    // res is assigned 10 only
    // since a is updated here
    // itself
    res = --a;
    // a and res have same values = 10
    cout << "a is " << a
         << " and res is "
         << res << "\n";
    return 0;


a is 11 and res is 10
a is 10 and res is 11
a is 11 and res is 11
a is 10 and res is 10