📜  在C++ STL中设置insert()函数

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-30 13:12:40             🧑  作者: Mango

set :: insert是C++ STL中的内置函数,可在集合容器中插入元素,或将元素从集合中的位置插入到另一个位置到另一个集合。

  • 句法:
iterator set_name.insert(element)

时间复杂度:log(N)其中“ N”是集合中元素的数量

// CPP program to demonstrate the
// set::insert(element) function
using namespace std;
int main()
    set s;
    // Function to insert elements
    // in the set container
    cout << "The elements in set are: ";
    for (auto it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); it++)
        cout << *it << " ";
    return 0;

// CPP program to demonstrate the
// set::insert(iterator1, iterator2) function
using namespace std;
int main()
    set s1;
    // Function to insert elements
    // in the set container
    cout << "The elements in set1 are: ";
    for (auto it = s1.begin(); it != s1.end(); it++)
        cout << *it << " ";
    set s2;
    // Function to insert one set to another
    // all elements from where 3 is to end is
    // inserted to set2
    s2.insert(s1.find(3), s1.end());
    cout << "\nThe elements in set2 are: ";
    for (auto it = s2.begin(); it != s2.end(); it++)
        cout << *it << " ";
    return 0;

The elements in set are: 1 2 3 4 5
  • 句法:
iterator set_name.insert(iterator position, element)


  • element:它指定要插入到集合容器中的元素。
  • position:不指定要插入的位置,它仅指向要开始搜索操作以插入的位置,以加快处理速度。插入是根据设置的容器遵循的顺序完成的。
  • 句法:
void set_name.insert(iterator position1, iterator position2)

参数:该函数接受两个参数position1position2 ,它们指定元素的范围。范围[position1,last)范围内的所有元素都插入到另一个set容器中。


// CPP program to demonstrate the
// set::insert(iterator1, iterator2) function
using namespace std;
int main()
    set s1;
    // Function to insert elements
    // in the set container
    cout << "The elements in set1 are: ";
    for (auto it = s1.begin(); it != s1.end(); it++)
        cout << *it << " ";
    set s2;
    // Function to insert one set to another
    // all elements from where 3 is to end is
    // inserted to set2
    s2.insert(s1.find(3), s1.end());
    cout << "\nThe elements in set2 are: ";
    for (auto it = s2.begin(); it != s2.end(); it++)
        cout << *it << " ";
    return 0;
The elements in set1 are: 1 2 3 4 5 
The elements in set2 are: 3 4 5
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