📜  C / C++中的fpclassify()方法与示例

📅  最后修改于: 2021-05-30 18:26:48             🧑  作者: Mango



int fpclassify(int x);
int fpclassify(float x);
int fpclassify(double x);
int fpclassify(long double x);

参数:此方法接受参数x ,该参数x是与该方法的宏常量之一匹配的值。它可以是整数,浮点数,双精度型或长双精度型。


  • FP_INFINITE :当指定的值是正无穷大或负无穷大时
  • FP_NAN :当指定的值不是数字时
  • FP_ZERO :当指定值为零时。
  • FP_SUBNORMAL :当指定值是正或负非正规化值时
  • FP_NORMAL :当指定值是正或负归一化非零值时


// C++ program to demonstrate
// the use of fpclassify() method
using namespace std;
// Function to implement fpclassify() method
void fpclassification(double x)
    // fpclassify() method
    switch (fpclassify(x)) {
    // For the data to be infinite
    case FP_INFINITE:
        cout << "Infinite Number \n";
    // For the data to be not defined
    // as in divide by zero
    case FP_NAN:
        cout << "Not a Number \n";
    // For the data to be zero
    case FP_ZERO:
        cout << "Zero \n";
    // For the data to be subnormal
    case FP_SUBNORMAL:
        cout << "Subnormal value \n";
    // For the data to be normal
    case FP_NORMAL:
        cout << "Normal value \n";
    // For the data to be invalid
        cout << "Invalid number \n";
// Driver code
int main()
    // Example 1
    double a = 1.0 / 0.0;
    cout << "For 1.0/0.0: ";
    // Example 2
    double b = 0.0 / 0.0;
    cout << "For 0.0/0.0: ";
    // Example 3
    double c = -0.0;
    cout << "For -0.0: ";
    // Example 4
    double d = 1.0;
    cout << "For 1.0: ";
    return 0;
For 1.0/0.0: Infinite Number 
For 0.0/0.0: Not a Number 
For -0.0: Zero 
For 1.0: Normal value
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