📜  细粒度和粗粒度SIMD体系结构之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-06-28 16:04:51             🧑  作者: Mango







S.No. Fine-Grained SIMD Coarse-Grained SIMD
1. Fine Grain SIMD have less computation time then the coarse grain architecture. Coarse Grain SIMD have more computation time then the Fine grain architecture.
2. Here, programs are broken into large number of small tasks. Here, programs are broken into small number of large task.
3 Fine Grain SIMD have much higher level of parallelism then Coarse grain SIMD. Coarse grain SIMD have lower level of parallelism then Fine Grain SIMD.
4. Here, Grain Size is over 1000 instructions. Here, Grain Size in range of 2-500 instructions.
5. Here, the size of subcomponents is much smaller than the Coarse grained. Here, the size of subcomponents is more than the Fine-Grained.
6. Here, two types of parallelism can be obtained –
a) Instruction Level Parallelism
b) Loop Level Parallelism
Here, these two types of parallelism can be obtained –
a) Sub-program
b) Program Level Parallelism
7. In Fine Grain SIMD, Load Balancing is proper. In Coarse Grain SIMD, Load Balancing is improper.
8. Here Parallelism can be detected using compiler. Here Parallelism can’t be detected using compiler.
9. Fine Grain SIMD is a much costlier process than the Coarse Grain SIMD. Coarse Grain SIMD is much cheaper than the Fine Grain SIMD.
10. Fine Grain is the concept of future multi-threaded architectures to be used in the future also. Coarse Grain is in one of the earlier concepts of single-threaded architectures.
11. The Detailed description is further divided into many small subcomponents and makes the processes less complex from the original one and from the coarse-grained also. The Detailed description is divided into large subcomponents and makes the processes less complex than the original one but more complex than Fine-Grained.
12. Examples –
Connection Machine (CM-2), J-Machine, etc.
Examples –
CRAY Y, etc.