📜  PCI-E和PCI-X之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-07-05 07:40:58             🧑  作者: Mango


PCI-E是外围组件互连扩展(PCI-X)的替代版本,于2003年由英特尔,戴尔,惠普和IBM推出。 PCI Express是连接图形卡,Wifi,硬盘驱动器和其他硬件设备的串行总线。它比PCI-X更快地工作,输入和输出引脚数更少,因此比PCI-X更好。这个版本比旧版本具有许多功能。


1. PCI-X is a computer bus that connects hardware devices and has an expansion card. An advanced version of PCI bus that connects graphic ports, Wifi and other devices.
2. It was introduced in the year 1998 by IBM, HP and Compaq. It was introduced in the year 2003 by Intel, Dell, HP and IBM.
3. It is a parallel bus interface It is a serial bus interface.
4. PCI-X is the abbreviated name for Peripheral Component Interconnect eXtended. PCI-E is the abbreviated name for PCI Express.
5. It works slower. It works faster.
6. PCI-X provides a slower data rate PCI Express provides faster data rate.
7. The PCI-X has longer slots The PCI-E has shorter slots.
8. The speed of a PCI-X slot is upto 1064MB/s. The speed of a PCI-E slot is upto 16 GB/s.
9. It has less features. It has more features.
10. The width of PCI-X is about 64 bits. The width of PCI-E is 1 per lane