1. Trafodion:
它是一个事务性的基于Hadoop的SQL DBMS。这是一个Webscale-SQL-on-Hadoop解决方案,支持Apache Hadoop上的事务或操作工作负载。 “ Trafodion”这个名字的发音是“ Tra-vod-eee-on”。它是一个在Apache Hadoop上运行的关系数据库管理系统,该系统使用并行感知的查询优化器为大数据环境中的事务或操作工作负载以及大数据集提供支持。
2. YugabyteDB:
它是高性能,云原生和开源分布式SQL数据库全局分布的文档存储。它旨在使应用程序变得敏捷。 Yugabyte总部位于加利福尼亚州森尼韦尔。它作为Apache 2.0开源项目进行分发和开发。
S.NO. | Trafodion | YugabyteDB |
1 | Developed by Apache Software Foundation, originally developed by HP and initially released on 2014. | Developed by Yugabyte Inc. and initially released on 2017. |
2 | Linux is server, operating systems of Trafodion. | Linux, OS X are server operating systems of YugabyteDB. |
3 | Primary database model is Relational DBMS. | Primary database model is Relational DBMS. |
4 | Absence of Secondary database models in Trafodion. | Secondary database models is Document store and Wide column store. |
5 | All languages supporting JDBC/ODBC/ADO.Net are programming languages. | C, C#, C++, Go, Java, JavaScript (Node.js), Python, Ruby are supporting programming languages. |
6 | ADO.NET, JDBC, ODBC are the APIs and other access methods of Trafodion. | YCQL, an SQL-based flexible-schema API with its roots in Cassandra Query Language, APIs and other access methods. |
7 | It has Data Schema. | Its data scheme is depending on used data model. |
8 | It has Implementation language Java and C++. | Its implementation language of YugabyteDB is C and C++. |
9 | Yes, Trafodion has ACID Transaction concepts. | Distributed ACID with Serializable Snapshot Isolation. Inspired by Google Spanner architecture is Transaction concepts. |
10 | Via HBase is replication methods of Trafodion. | Replication methods is based on Raft distributed consensus protocol, minimum 3 replicas for continuous availability. |
11 | It has immediate Consistency concept. | It has strong consistency on writes and tunable consistency on reads. |