1. Google环聊:
Google Hangouts是Google提供的一种通讯应用程序。它允许用户发送和接收消息,照片等。它还提供个人之间或组内的免费视频通话。它最初是Google+的功能,但Google将Google+ Messenger和Google Talk的功能集成到了环聊中。它由Google在2013年推出。它使用户可以与朋友和家人联系并开始对话。可以通过Gmail在线访问此应用程序。
2. Skype:
Skype是一种电信应用程序,可在移动电话之间提供视频通话和语音通话。电脑和其他设备。它需要互联网设施来提供其任何服务。它也用于包含文本,图像,音频或视频的消息传递。它允许在视频会议通话中一次连接多个人。它由Skype Technologies于2003年推出。目前归Microsoft Incorporation所有。它是最常用的视频聊天应用程序之一。
It is a communication application that is used to send and receive messages, photos etc. | It is a telecommunication services that provides video calls and voice calls. |
It is owned by Google LLC. | It is owned by Microsoft Incorporation. |
It was launched in 2013. | It was launched in 2003. |
It was developed by Google. | It was developed by Skype Technologies. |
It offers messaging, voice calls and video calls. | It offers video calls, voice calls and instant messaging. |
It is majorly used for text messaging and photo sharing. | It is majorly used for video calls. |
It does not allow users the blocking of unwanted calls. | It allows users the blocking of unwanted calls. |
It is used for professional chat. | It is used for personal and professional chat both. |
It requires Gmail signing. | It requires Microsoft account signing. |
It is the original feature of Google+. | It is not the original feature of Microsoft. |
It does not provide conference calls. | It provides conference calls during video calling. |
It is integration of Google+ Messenger and Google Talks. | It is not integration of two or more applications. |