除了等待即时响应之外,它是一种技术客户端从服务器请求数据,或者本质上需要向服务器发出 HTTP 请求,然后保持连接打开以使服务器稍后回复。在长轮询的帮助下,服务器允许来自浏览器的大约 6 个并行连接。与其他方式相比,它很方便,并且它是最古老的方法,因此,所有 Web 浏览器都支持它。尽管由于更新较少,它现在不提供重新连接处理。
2. 网络套接字:
它是一种 pc 通信协议,允许我们通过单个传输控制协议连接进行全双工通信通道。该协议允许浏览器和网络服务器之间以低权重开销进行交互,从而提供从服务器到服务器的实时数据传输。
长轮询与 WebSocket 的区别:
S. No. | Long Polling | WebSocket |
1. | It offers a unidirectional communication channel. | It offers a bidirectional communication channel. |
2. | There is an issue of resource wastage. | There is no such issue of resource wastage. |
3. | It has a short waiting period. | It has a long waiting period. |
4. | It does not offer resource utilization. | It offers resource utilization. |
5. | There are not many complications while enabling a connection process. | There are different complications while enabling a connection process. |
6. | In this, there are several kinds of delays during the process. | In this, there are no delays during the process. |
7. | It uses AJAX to communicate properly. | It does not use AJAX to communicate over the network. |