📜  单播和组播之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-08-27 16:50:19             🧑  作者: Mango


多播有一个/多个发送者,一个/多个接收者参与了数据传输流量。在多播中,流量斜倚在单播和广播的边界之间。它是服务器的直接数据流单副本,然后将其模拟并路由到请求它的主机。 IP多播需要支持其他一些协议,例如Internet组管理协议(IGMP),多播路由才能正常工作。而且在有类IP寻址中,类D保留用于多播组。


S.No. Unicast Multicast
1. It has one sender and one receiver. It has one or more senders and multiple receivers.
2. It sends data from one device to single device. It sent data from one device to multiple devices.
3. It works on Single Node Topology. It works on star, mesh, tree and hybrid topology.
4. It does not scale well for streaming media. It does not scale well across large networks.
5. Multiple unicasting utilizes more bandwidth as compared. It utilizes bandwidth efficiently.
6. Web surfing, file transfer is an example of a unicast. Switch is an example of a multicast device.
7. It has one-to-one mapping. It has one-to-many mapping.