📜  操作系统与信息系统之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-08-27 17:08:03             🧑  作者: Mango




S.No Operational Systems Informational Systems
1. Operational systems are designed to deal with the running values of data. Informational Systems deals with the collection, compilation and deriving information from data.
2. In operational systems, optimization of data structure is done for transactions. In informational systems, optimization of data structure is done for complex queries.
3. Operational systems have response time of sub-seconds. While informational systems have a response time of few seconds to minutes.
4. Operational systems are generally suited for small volumes of data. Informational Systems are mainly designed for large volumes of data and hence convenient to use.
5. Operational systems are process oriented. While informational systems are subject oriented.
6. Operational systems supports various data access operations such as read, update and delete. Informational systems only supports read operation for data access.