1. 操作系统:
操作系统是数据仓库中的一个众所周知的术语,它指定了一个系统,该系统用于维护组织中日常业务交易的记录。操作系统也称为在线事务处理 (OLTP)。运营系统必须处理运行数据值,包括工资单、库存、订单和其他日常运营数据等数据。
2. 信息系统:
S.No | Operational Systems | Informational Systems |
1. | Operational systems are designed to deal with the running values of data. | Informational Systems deals with the collection, compilation and deriving information from data. |
2. | In operational systems, optimization of data structure is done for transactions. | In informational systems, optimization of data structure is done for complex queries. |
3. | Operational systems have response time of sub-seconds. | While informational systems have a response time of few seconds to minutes. |
4. | Operational systems are generally suited for small volumes of data. | Informational Systems are mainly designed for large volumes of data and hence convenient to use. |
5. | Operational systems are process oriented. | While informational systems are subject oriented. |
6. | Operational systems supports various data access operations such as read, update and delete. | Informational systems only supports read operation for data access. |