1.网络时间协议(NTP) :
它是一种协议,可以促进计算机的时钟时间在系统中同步。该协议是一种适用于TCP / IP网络上的主机同步的应用程序协议。 1981年,特拉华大学的David Mills解释了NTP。这在通信机制中是必需的,以便在机器之间开始无缝连接。
- NTP服务器可使用高度精确的原子时钟和GPU时钟。
- 它利用协调世界时(UTC)同步CPU时钟时间
它是一种协议,可以促进整个计算机网络中时钟的同步。该协议用于同步不同类型设备的时钟。 PTP在1588年由John Edison领导进行标准化,并于2002年发布。这是在同步介质中通过通信介质实现消息交换所必需的。
- 它使用Grand Master时钟同步通信。
- 它适用于主从架构。
S. No |
1. | It is short used for Network Time Protocol. | It is short used for Precision Time Protocol. |
2. | NTP provides millisecond accuracy. | PTP provides sub-microsecond accuracy. |
3. | It can achieve sub-microsecond accuracy by using hardware implementation. | It can achieve nanosecond accuracy using a better oscillator. |
4. | It is designed to use in public networks and Wide Area Network’s (WAN). | It is designed in versions such as Version-1 for Local Area Network’s (LAN) and Verison-2 for Wide Area Network’s (WAN). |
5. | The NTP client can poll over various NTP servers. | In multicast mode, the single Grandmaster “pushes” time to one or more slaves. |
6. | It provides security through Hash codes and improved clock selection. | It provides security through cryptography security mechanisms. |
7. | Applications: Used in industrial automation, home networking, telecommunication, and military, etc. | Applications: Used in IT applications, generic time-stamping applications, and synchronization of computers, etc. |