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📜  MariaDB和Amazon DynamoDB之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-08-27 17:42:03             🧑  作者: Mango

Maria DB是MySQL的增强版本,由MySQL的原始开发人员开发以增强功能。 Maria DB是一个开源软件。由于它的速度和强大的特性,它已在世界范围内使用。它由Maria DB企业于2009年开发。它是安全的,并且还具有内置数据库防火墙。它是一个具有SQL接口的关系数据库,我们可以从该接口访问数据。

2. Amazon DynamoDB:
Amazon DynamoDB是具有高度可扩展性的文档数据库。它是由Amazon在2012年提供的。它具有主数据库模型,如文档存储和键值存储。它具有商业许可证。它使用事务并遵循ACID属性。具有备份功能,安全性高。 Amazon DynamoDB是一个持久而强大的数据库。它一天可以处理大量请求,并且得到了全面管理。

MariaDB和Amazon DynamoDB之间的区别:

S.NO. MariaDB Amazon DynamoDB
1. MariaDB is a community developed software and is an enhanced version of MYSQL. Amazon DynamoDB is a scalable database which has data stored on Amazon cloud.
2. The primary database model is a relational database. Primary database model is document store and key value store in Amazon DynamoDB.
3. It has immediate Consistency. It has eventual and immediate Consistency.
4. It was developed by MariaDB Corporation Ab and MariaDB Foundation in 2009. It was developed by Amazon in 2012.
5. It supports operating systems like Linux, Solaris, Windows. It supports hosted operating systems.
6. It is a open source software. It is a commercial software.
7. It is implemented in C and C++. It does not have C and C++ as its implementation language.
8. It is not based on cloud. It is based on cloud.
9. It is considered better than Amazon DynamoDB in terms of ranking. It is considered less than MariaDB in terms of ranking. 10. It has Server-side scripts. It doesn’t have Server-side scripts.