CSS 中的 text-indent 属性用于定义每个文本块中第一行的缩进。它也取负值。这意味着如果值为负,则第一行将向左缩进。
text-indent: length|initial|inherit;
- length:用于设置固定缩进,单位px、pt、cm、em等,length默认值为0。
text-indent: length;
CSS text-indent Property GeeksforGeeks
text-indent Property
text-indent: 70px:
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.text-indent: -5em:
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.text-indent: 40%:
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.输出:
- 百分比 (%):用于定义与元素宽度相比以 % 为单位的缩进。
text-indent: %;
CSS text-indent Property GeeksforGeeks
text-indent Property
text-indent: 40%:
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.输出:
- initial:用于将 text-indent 属性设置为其默认值。
text:indent: initial;
CSS text-indent Property GeeksforGeeks
text-indent Property
text-indent: initial:
Prepare for the Recruitment drive of product based companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe etc with a free online placement preparation course. The course focuses on various MCQ's & Coding question likely to be asked in the interviews & make your upcoming placement season efficient and successful.输出:
支持的浏览器: CSS text-indent 属性支持的浏览器如下:
- 谷歌浏览器 1.0
- 浏览器 3.0
- 火狐 1.0
- Safari 1.0
- 歌剧 3.5