📜  如何在Java实现通用 LinkedList?

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-03 14:59:02             🧑  作者: Mango

链表是将值存储在节点中的线性数据结构。正如我们在这里所知道的,每个 Nod 都拥有两个属性,即节点的值和到下一个节点的链接(如果存在的话)。链表不仅可以是 Integer 数据类型,还可以是 String、boolean、Float、 字符等。我们可以实现这样一个“通用”的链表数据类型,它可以存储任何数据类型的值。

链表有 6 个主要成员函数:E

  • add(data):在链表末尾添加一个元素
  • add (position, data):将元素添加到链表中的任何有效位置
  • remove(key):从链表中删除包含key的节点
  • clear() :它清除整个链表
  • empty():检查链表是否为空
  • length():返回链表的长度

插图:一个整数链表 {100,200,300,400} 表示如下



// Java Program to Implement Generic  Linked List
// Importing all input output classes
import java.io.*;
// Class 1
// Helper Class (Generic node class for LinkedList)
class node {
    // Data members
    // 1. Storing value of node
    T data;
    // 2. Storing address of next node
    node next;
    // Parameterized constructor to assign value
    node(T data)
        // This keyword refers to current object itself
        this.data = data;
        this.next = null;
// Class 2
// Helper class ( Generic LinkedList class)
class list {
    // Generic node instance
    node head;
    // Data member to store length of list
    private int length = 0;
    // Default constructor
    list() { this.head = null; }
    // Method
    // To add node at the end of List
    void add(T data)
        // Creating new node with given value
        node temp = new node<>(data);
        // Checking if list is empty
        // and assigning new value to head node
        if (this.head == null) {
            head = temp;
        // If list already exists
        else {
            // Temporary node for traversal
            node X = head;
            // Iterating till end of the List
            while (X.next != null) {
                X = X.next;
            // Adding new valued node at the end of the list
            X.next = temp;
        // Increasing length after adding new node
    // Method
    // To add new node at any given position
    void add(int position, T data)
        // Checking if position is valid
        if (position > length + 1) {
            // Display message only
                "Position Unavailable in LikedList");
        // If new position is head then replace head node
        if (position == 1) {
            // Temporary node that stores previous head
            // value
            node temp = head;
            // New valued node stored in head
            head = new node(data);
            // New head node pointing to old head node
            head.next = temp;
        // Temporary node for traversal
        node temp = head;
        // Dummy node with null value that stores previous
        // node
        node prev = new node(null);
        // interating to the given position
        while (position - 1 > 0) {
            // assigning previous node
            prev = temp;
            // incrementing next node
            temp = temp.next;
            // decreasing position counter
        // previous node now points to new value
        prev.next = new node(data);
        // new value now points to former current node
        prev.next.next = temp;
    // Method
    // To remove a node from list
    void remove(T key)
        //  NOTE
        // dummy node is used to represent the node before
        // the current node Since in a Singly Linked-List we
        // cannot go backwards from a node, we use a dummy
        // node to represent the previous node. In case of
        // head node, since there is no previous node, the
        // previous node is assigned to null.
        // Dummy node with null value
        node prev = new node<>(null);
        // Dummy node pointing to head node
        prev.next = head;
        // Next node that points ahead of current node
        node next = head.next;
        // Temporary node for traversal
        node temp = head;
        // Boolean value that checks whether value to be
        // deleted exists or not
        boolean exists = false;
        // If head node needs to be deleted
        if (head.data == key) {
            head = head.next;
            // Node to be deleted exists
            exists = true;
        // Iterating over LinkedList
        while (temp.next != null) {
            // We convert value to be compared into Strings
            // and then compare using
            // String1.equals(String2) method
            // Comparing value of key and current node
            if (String.valueOf(temp.data).equals(
                    String.valueOf(key))) {
                // If node to be deleted is found previous
                // node now points to next node skipping the
                // current node
                prev.next = next;
                // node to be deleted exists
                exists = true;
                // As soon as we find the node to be deleted
                // we exit the loop
            // Previous node now points to current node
            prev = temp;
            // Current node now points to next node
            temp = temp.next;
            // Next node points the node ahead of current
            // node
            next = temp.next;
        // Comparing the last node with the given key value
        if (exists == false
            && String.valueOf(temp.data).equals(
                String.valueOf(key))) {
            // If found , last node is skipped over
            prev.next = null;
            // Node to be deleted exists
            exists = true;
        // If node to be deleted exists
        if (exists) {
            // Length of LinkedList reduced
        // If node to be deleted does not exist
        else {
            // Print statement
                "Given Value is not present in linked list");
    // Method
    // To clear the entire LinkedList
    void clear()
        // Head now points to null
        head = null;
        // length is 0 again
        length = 0;
    // Method
    // Returns whether List is empty or not
    boolean empty()
        // Checking if head node points to null
        if (head == null) {
            return true;
        return false;
    // Method
    // Returning the length of LinkedList
    int length() { return this.length; }
    // Method
    // To display the LinkedList
    // @Override
    public String toString()
        String S = "{ ";
        node X = head;
        if (X == null)
            return S + " }";
        while (X.next != null) {
            S += String.valueOf(X.data) + " -> ";
            X = X.next;
        S += String.valueOf(X.data);
        return S + " }";
// Class 3
// Main Class
public class GFG {
    // main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Integer List
        // Creating new empty Integer linked list
        list list1 = new list<>();
            "Integer LinkedList created as list1 :");
        // Adding elements to the above List object
        // Element 1 - 100
        // Element 2 - 200
        // Element 3 - 300
        // Display message only
            "list1 after adding 100,200 and 300 :");
        // Print and display the above List elements
        // Removing 200 from list1
        // Display message only
        System.out.println("list1 after removing 200 :");
        // Print and display again updaed List elements
        // String LinkedList
        // Creating new empty String linked list
        list list2 = new list<>();
            "\nString LinkedList created as list2");
        // Adding elements to the above List object
        // Element 1 - hello
        // Element 2 - world
        // Display message only
            "list2 after adding hello and world :");
        // Print current elements only
        // Now, adding element 3- "GFG" at position 2
        list2.add(2, "GFG");
        // Display message only
            "list2 after adding GFG at postion 2 :");
        // now print the updated List again
        // after inserting element at second position
        // Float LinkedList
        // Creating new empty Float linked list
        list list3 = new list<>();
        // Display message only
            "\nFloat LinkedList created as list3");
        // Adding elements to the above List
        // Element 1 - 20.25
        // Element 2 - 50.42
        // Element 3 - 30.99
        // Display message only
            "list3 after adding 20.25, 50.42 and 30.99 :");
        // Print and display List elements
        // Display message only
        System.out.println("Clearing list3 :");
        // Now.clearing this lisy using clear() method
        // Now, print and display the aboce list again

Integer LinkedList created as list1 :
list1 after adding 100,200 and 300 :
{ 100 -> 200 -> 300 }
list1 after removing 200 :
{ 100 -> 300 }

String LinkedList created as list2
list2 after adding hello and world :
{ hello -> world }
list2 after adding GFG at postion 2 :
{ hello -> GFG -> world }

Float LinkedList created as list3
list3 after adding 20.25, 50.42 and 30.99 :
{ 20.25 -> 50.42 -> 30.99 }
Clearing list3 :
{  }

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