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📜  通过从字符串str3 中取出字符,将字符串str1 转换为 str2

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-06 06:44:05             🧑  作者: Mango

给定三个字符串str1, str2 & str3 。任务是找出字符串str1是否可以通过从str3 中取出字符来转换为字符串str2 。如果是,则打印“是” ,否则打印“否”


  1. 计算字符串s tr3的每个字符的频率。
  2. 同时使用两个指针(例如i表示 str1 和j表示 str2)遍历字符串str1 和 str2并执行以下操作:
    • 如果str1str2第j个指标的第i个索引处的字符相同,则检查下一个字符。
    • 如果第 i 个索引和第 j 个索引处的字符不相同,则检查str2[j] 个字符的频率,如果频率大于 0,则增加第j 个指针并检查下一对字符。
    • 否则我们无法将字符串str1转换为字符串str2
  3. 经过上述所有迭代,如果两个指针都分别到达字符串的末尾,则可以将str1转换为str2。
  4. 否则 str1 无法转换为 str2。


// C++ program of the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to check whether str1 can
// be transformed to str2
void convertString(string str1, string str2,
                   string str3)
    // To store the frequency of
    // characters of string str3
    map freq;
    for (int i = 0; str3[i]; i++) {
    // Declare two pointers & flag
    int ptr1 = 0;
    int ptr2 = 0;
    bool flag = true;
    // Traverse both the string and
    // check whether it can be transformed
    while (ptr1 < str1.length()
           && ptr2 < str2.length()) {
        // If both pointers point to same
        // characters increment them
        if (str1[ptr1] == str2[ptr2]) {
        // If the letters don't match check
        // if we can find it in string C
        else {
            // If the letter is available in
            // string str3, decrement it's
            // frequency & increment the ptr2
            if (freq[str3[ptr2]] > 0) {
            // If letter isn't present in str3[]
            // set the flag to false and break
            else {
                flag = false;
    // If the flag is true and both pointers
    // points to their end of respective strings
    // then it is possible to transformed str1
    // into str2, otherwise not.
    if (flag && ptr1 == str1.length()
        && ptr2 == str2.length()) {
        cout << "YES" << endl;
    else {
        cout << "NO" << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
    string str1 = "abyzfe";
    string str2 = "abcdeyzf";
    string str3 = "popode";
    // Function Call
    convertString(str1, str2, str3);
    return 0;

// Java program of
// the above approach 
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Function to check whether str1 can
// be transformed to str2
static void convertString(String str1,
                          String str2,
                          String str3)
  // To store the frequency of
  // characters of String str3
  HashMap freq = new HashMap<>();
  for (int i = 0; i 0)
                   freq.get(str3.charAt(ptr2)) - 1);
      // If letter isn't present in str3[]
      // set the flag to false and break
        flag = false;
  // If the flag is true and both pointers
  // points to their end of respective Strings
  // then it is possible to transformed str1
  // into str2, otherwise not.
  if (flag && ptr1 == str1.length() &&
      ptr2 == str2.length())
    System.out.print("YES" + "\n");
    System.out.print("NO" + "\n");
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
  String str1 = "abyzfe";
  String str2 = "abcdeyzf";
  String str3 = "popode";
  // Function Call
  convertString(str1, str2, str3);
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1

# Python3 program of the above approach
# Function to check whether str1 can
# be transformed to str2
def convertString(str1, str2, str3):
    # To store the frequency of
    # characters of string str3
    freq = {}
    for i in range(len(str3)):
        if(freq.get(str3[i]) == None):
            freq[str3[i]] = 1
            freq.get(str3[i], 1)
    # Declare two pointers & flag
    ptr1 = 0
    ptr2 = 0;
    flag = True
    # Traverse both the string and
    # check whether it can be transformed
    while (ptr1 < len(str1) and
           ptr2 < len(str2)):
        # If both pointers point to same
        # characters increment them
        if (str1[ptr1] == str2[ptr2]):
            ptr1 += 1
            ptr2 += 1
        # If the letters don't match check
        # if we can find it in string C
            # If the letter is available in
            # string str3, decrement it's
            # frequency & increment the ptr2
            if (freq[str3[ptr2]] > 0):
                freq[str3[ptr2]] -= 1
                ptr2 += 1
            # If letter isn't present in str3[]
            # set the flag to false and break
                flag = False
    # If the flag is true and both pointers
    # points to their end of respective strings
    # then it is possible to transformed str1
    # into str2, otherwise not.
    if (flag and ptr1 == len(str1) and
                 ptr2 == len(str2)):
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    str1 = "abyzfe"
    str2 = "abcdeyzf"
    str3 = "popode"
    # Function Call
    convertString(str1, str2, str3)
# This code is contributed by Bhupendra_Singh

// C# program of
// the above approach 
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{
// Function to check whether str1 can
// be transformed to str2
static void convertString(String str1,
                          String str2,
                          String str3)
  // To store the frequency of
  // characters of String str3
  Dictionary freq = new Dictionary();
  for (int i = 0; i < str3.Length; i++)
      freq[str3[i]] =  freq[str3[i]] + 1;
      freq.Add(str3[i], 1);
  // Declare two pointers & flag
  int ptr1 = 0;
  int ptr2 = 0;
  bool flag = true;
  // Traverse both the String and
  // check whether it can be transformed
  while (ptr1 < str1.Length &&
         ptr2 < str2.Length)
    // If both pointers point to same
    // characters increment them
    if (str1[ptr1] == str2[ptr2])
    // If the letters don't match check
    // if we can find it in String C
      // If the letter is available in
      // String str3, decrement it's
      // frequency & increment the ptr2
        if (freq[str3[ptr2]] > 0)
          freq[str3[ptr2]] = freq[str3[ptr2]] - 1;
      // If letter isn't present in str3[]
      // set the flag to false and break
        flag = false;
  // If the flag is true and both pointers
  // points to their end of respective Strings
  // then it is possible to transformed str1
  // into str2, otherwise not.
  if (flag && ptr1 == str1.Length &&
      ptr2 == str2.Length)
    Console.Write("YES" + "\n");
    Console.Write("NO" + "\n");
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
  String str1 = "abyzfe";
  String str2 = "abcdeyzf";
  String str3 = "popode";
  // Function Call
  convertString(str1, str2, str3);
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1



时间复杂度: O(N),N=Max Length(str1,str2,str3)

辅助空间: O(N)

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