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📜  在 C++ 中为有序集实现 upper_bound() 和 lower_bound()

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-07 03:25:56             🧑  作者: Mango

先决条件:有序集和 GNU C++ PBDS
给定一个有序集合集合和一个键K ,任务是在 C++ 中找到集合中元素K的上界和下界。如果元素不存在或无法计算任一边界,则打印-1



  • upper_bound(): upper_bound(key)函数返回刚好大于传入参数的 key 的元素。
  • lower_bound(): lower_bound(key)函数返回相当于传入参数的key 的元素。如果键不存在于有序集中,则函数应返回大于参数的元素。
  • 为了实现 upper_bound 和 lower_bound 函数,使用 order_of_key()函数找到作为参数传递的有序集合中元素的索引。
  • 现在,可以通过简单地比较此索引中存在的元素来找到下限和上限。


// C++ program to implement the
// lower_bound() and upper_bound()
// using Ordered Set
using namespace __gnu_pbds;
using namespace std;
// Ordered Set Tree
typedef tree, rb_tree_tag,
ordered_set set1;
// Function that returns the lower bound
// of the element
int lower_bound(int x)
    // Finding the position of the element
    int pos = set1.order_of_key(x);
    // If the element is not present in the set
    if (pos == set1.size())
        return -1;
    // Finding the element at the position
        int element = *(set1.find_by_order(pos));
        return element;
// Function that returns the upper bound
// of the element
int upper_bound(int x)
    // Finding the position of the element
    int pos = set1.order_of_key(x + 1);
    // If the element is not present
    if (pos == set1.size())
        return -1;
    // Finding the element at the position
        int element = *(set1.find_by_order(pos));
        return element;
// Function to print Upper
// and Lower bound of K
// in Ordered Set
void printBound(int K)
    cout << "Lower Bound of " << K << ": " << lower_bound(K)
         << endl;
    cout << "Upper Bound of " << K << ": " << upper_bound(K)
         << endl;
// Driver's Code
int main()
    int K = 30;
    K = 60;
    return 0;

Lower Bound of 30: 30
Upper Bound of 30: 40
Lower Bound of 60: -1
Upper Bound of 60: -1

时间复杂度: O(log N)

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