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📜  在 C 中实现 upper_bound() 和 lower_bound()

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-06 06:43:47             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一个由N 个整数组成的排序数组 arr[]和一个数字K ,任务是编写 C 程序以在给定数组中找到 K的 upper_bound() 和 lower_bound()。


  • 对于lower_bound():
    1. startIndex初始化为0 ,将endIndex初始化为N – 1
    2. K与数组的中间元素(比如arr[mid] )进行比较。
    3. 如果中间元素大于等于K,则将 endIndex 更新为中间索引( mid )。
    4. 否则将 startIndex 更新为 mid + 1。
    5. 重复以上步骤直到startIndex小于endIndex
    6. 在上述所有步骤之后, startIndex是给定数组中K的下界。
  • 对于上限():
    1. startIndex初始化为0 ,将endIndex初始化为N – 1
    2. K与数组的中间元素(比如arr[mid] )进行比较。
    3. 如果中间元素小于等于K,则将 startIndex 更新为中间索引 + 1( mid + 1)。
    4. 否则将 endIndex 更新为 mid。
    5. 重复以上步骤直到startIndex小于endIndex
    6. 在所有的上述步骤的startIndexK的给定阵列中的UPPER_BOUND。


Iterative Solution
// C program for iterative implementation
// of the above approach
// Function to implement lower_bound
int lower_bound(int arr[], int N, int X)
    int mid;
    // Initialise starting index and
    // ending index
    int low = 0;
    int high = N;
    // Till low is less than high
    while (low < high) {
        mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
        // If X is less than or equal
        // to arr[mid], then find in
        // left subarray
        if (X <= arr[mid]) {
            high = mid;
        // If X is greater arr[mid]
        // then find in right subarray
        else {
            low = mid + 1;
    // if X is greater than arr[n-1]
    if(low < N && arr[low] < X) {
    // Return the lower_bound index
    return low;
// Function to implement upper_bound
int upper_bound(int arr[], int N, int X)
    int mid;
    // Initialise starting index and
    // ending index
    int low = 0;
    int high = N;
    // Till low is less than high
    while (low < high) {
        // Find the middle index
        mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
        // If X is greater than or equal
        // to arr[mid] then find
        // in right subarray
        if (X >= arr[mid]) {
            low = mid + 1;
        // If X is less than arr[mid]
        // then find in left subarray
        else {
            high = mid;
    // if X is greater than arr[n-1]
    if(low < N && arr[low] <= X) {
    // Return the upper_bound index
    return low;
// Function to implement lower_bound
// and upper_bound of X
void printBound(int arr[], int N, int X)
    int idx;
    // If lower_bound doesn't exists
    if (lower_bound(arr, N, X) == N) {
        printf("Lower bound doesn't exist");
    else {
        // Find lower_bound
        idx = lower_bound(arr, N, X);
        printf("Lower bound of %d is"
               "% d at index % d\n ",
               arr[idx], idx);
    // If upper_bound doesn't exists
    if (upper_bound(arr, N, X) == N) {
        printf("Upper bound doesn't exist");
    else {
        // Find upper_bound
        idx = upper_bound(arr, N, X);
        printf("Upper bound of %d is"
               "% d at index % d\n ",
               arr[idx], idx);
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given array
    int arr[] = { 4, 6, 10, 12, 18, 20 };
    int N = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    // Element whose lower bound and
    // upper bound to be found
    int X = 6;
    // Function Call
    printBound(arr, N, X);
    return 0;

Recursive Solution
// C program for recursive implementation
// of the above approach
// Recursive implementation of
// lower_bound
int lower_bound(int arr[], int low,
                int high, int X)
    // Base Case
    if (low > high) {
        return low;
    // Find the middle index
    int mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
    // If arr[mid] is greater than
    // or equal to X then search
    // in left subarray
    if (arr[mid] >= X) {
        return lower_bound(arr, low,
                           mid - 1, X);
    // If arr[mid] is less than X
    // then search in right subarray
    return lower_bound(arr, mid + 1,
                       high, X);
// Recursive implementation of
// upper_bound
int upper_bound(int arr[], int low,
                int high, int X)
    // Base Case
    if (low > high)
        return low;
    // Find the middle index
    int mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
    // If arr[mid] is less than
    // or equal to X search in
    // right subarray
    if (arr[mid] <= X) {
        return upper_bound(arr, mid + 1,
                           high, X);
    // If arr[mid] is greater than X
    // then search in left subarray
    return upper_bound(arr, low,
                       mid - 1, X);
// Function to implement lower_bound
// and upper_bound of X
void printBound(int arr[], int N, int X)
    int idx;
    // If lower_bound doesn't exists
    if (lower_bound(arr, 0, N, X) == N) {
        printf("Lower bound doesn't exist");
    else {
        // Find lower_bound
        idx = lower_bound(arr, 0, N, X);
        printf("Lower bound of %d "
               "is %d at index %d\n",
               X, arr[idx], idx);
    // If upper_bound doesn't exists
    if (upper_bound(arr, 0, N, X) == N) {
        printf("Upper bound doesn't exist");
    else {
        // Find upper_bound
        idx = upper_bound(arr, 0, N, X);
        printf("Upper bound of %d is"
               "% d at index % d\n ",
               arr[idx], idx);
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given array
    int arr[] = { 4, 6, 10, 12, 18, 20 };
    int N = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    // Element whose lower bound and
    // upper bound to be found
    int X = 6;
    // Function Call
    printBound(arr, N, X);
    return 0;

Lower bound of 6 is 6 at index  1
 Upper bound of 6 is 10 at index  2

时间复杂度: O(log 2 N) ,其中 N 是数组中的元素数。

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