📜  电子图书馆管理系统

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-07 05:06:20             🧑  作者: Mango


  • 添加图书信息。
  • 显示图书信息。
  • 列出给定作者的所有书籍。
  • 列出图书馆的图书数量。


  • 如果用户尝试添加一本书,则用户必须提供以下有关该书的特定信息:
    • 输入书名:
    • 输入作者姓名:
    • 输入页面:
    • 输入价格:
  • 当用户尝试显示特定作者的所有书籍时,用户必须输入作者的姓名:
    • 输入作者姓名:
  • 电子图书馆管理系统还必须能够计算图书馆中所有可用的书籍。


// C program for the E-library
// Management System
// Create Structure of Library
struct library {
    char book_name[20];
    char author[20];
    int pages;
    float price;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Create a instance
    struct library lib[100];
    char ar_nm[30], bk_nm[30];
    // Keep the track of the number of
    // of books available in the library
    int i, input, count;
    i = input = count = 0;
    // Iterate the loop
    while (input != 5) {
               "WELCOME TO E-LIBRARY "
        printf("\n\n1. Add book infor"
               "mation\n2. Display "
               "book information\n");
        printf("3. List all books of "
               "given author\n");
            "4. List the count of book"
            "s in the library\n");
        printf("5. Exit");
        // Enter the book details
        printf("\n\nEnter one of "
               "the above: ");
        scanf("%d", &input);
        // Process the input
        switch (input) {
        // Add book
        case 1:
            printf("Enter book name = ");
            scanf("%s", lib[i].book_name);
            printf("Enter author name = ");
            scanf("%s", lib[i].author);
            printf("Enter pages = ");
            scanf("%d", &lib[i].pages);
            printf("Enter price = ");
            scanf("%f", &lib[i].price);
        // Print book information
        case 2:
            printf("you have entered"
                   " the following "
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                printf("book name = %s",
                printf("\t author name = %s",
                printf("\t  pages = %d",
                printf("\t  price = %f",
        // Take the author name as input
        case 3:
            printf("Enter author name : ");
            scanf("%s", ar_nm);
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                if (strcmp(ar_nm,
                    == 0)
                    printf("%s %s %d %f",
        // Print total count
        case 4:
            printf("\n No of books in "
                   "brary : %d",
        case 5:
    return 0;


  • 显示选项 1 的功能和输入:
  • 对于选择 2 和 3:
  • 对于选择 4 和 5:

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