📜  Cassandra 和 MariaDB 的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-08 15:43:40             🧑  作者: Mango

1. 卡桑德拉:
Cassandra 是一个免费、开源、分布式、广泛的列存储、NoSQL 数据库管理系统。它由 Apache 软件基金会开发,最初于 2008 年 7 月发布。Cassandra 旨在处理跨多个商用服务器的大量数据,提供高可用性且无单点故障。

2. 玛丽亚数据库:
MariaDB 是一个开源关系数据库管理系统 (RDBMS),是广泛使用的 MySQL 数据库技术的兼容替代品。它由 MariaDB Foundation 开发并于 2009 年 10 月 29 日首次发布。MariaDB 具有大量新功能,这使其在性能和用户导向方面优于 MySQL。

Cassandra 和 MariaDB 的区别:

S.NO. cassandra mariadb
1. Developed by Apache Software foundation and released on July 2008. Developed by MariaDB Corporation Ab. and initially released on 29 October 2009.
2. Cassandra is written only in Java language. MariaDB is written in C, C++, Perl and Bash languages.
3. Cassandra does not provides ACID transactions but can be tuned to support ACID properties. MariaDB provides ACID transactions without snapshot isolation.
4. Cassandra supports Selectable Replication Factor replication method. MariaDB supports Master-Slave Replication and Master-Master Replication replication methods.
5. In Cassandra there is no concept of Foreign keys MariaDB provides the concept of Referential Integrity and have Foreign keys.
6. Cassandra supports Map Reduce method. MariaDB does not supports Map Reduce method.
7. Cassandra does not supports XML data format. Mariadb does supports XML data format.
8. Cassandra has only cursory support for secondary indexes i.e secondary indexing is restricted. MariaDB does supports the concept of secondary indexes. 9. Server operating systems for Cassandra are BSD, Linux, OS X, Windows. Server operating systems for MariaDB are FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris, Windows. 10. Famous companies like GitHub, GoDaddy, Hulu, Instagram, Reddit, The Weather Channel, etc uses Cassandra. Famous companies like CUNY, Accenture, Docplanner, Nasdaq, Red Hat, ServiceNow, etc uses MariaDB.