1. Hadoop :
它是一个开源软件框架,用于在一组商品硬件上存储数据和运行应用程序。它具有大存储容量和高处理能力。它可以同时管理多个并发进程。它用于预测分析、数据挖掘和机器学习。它可以处理结构化和非结构化形式的数据。与传统的 RDBMS 相比,它在存储、处理和管理数据方面更加灵活。与传统系统不同,Hadoop 支持同时对同一数据进行多个分析过程。它非常灵活地支持可扩展性。
2. 玛丽亚数据库:
Maria DB 是 MySQL 的增强版,由 MySQL 的原始开发人员为增加功能而制作。 Maria DB 是开源软件。由于其速度和稳健性,它在全球范围内使用。它是由 Maria DB 企业于 2009 年开发的。它是安全的,并具有内置的数据库防火墙。它是一个关系数据库,有一个 SQL 接口,我们可以从中访问数据。 Hadoop 和 MariaDB 的区别:
S.No. | Hadoop | MariaDB |
1. | Hadoop is an open-source software used for storing data and running applications or processes concurrently. | Maria DB is an enhanced version of MySQL. |
2. | In this, both structured and unstructured data is processed. | In this, mostly structured data is processed. |
3. | It is best suited for Big Data. | It is best suited for OLTP environment. |
4. | It is highly scalable. | It is less scalable than Hadoop. |
5. | Data normalization is not required in Hadoop. | Data normalization is required in it. |
6. | It stores huge volume of data. | It stores transformed and aggregated data. |
7. | It has some latency in response. | It has no latency in response. |
8. | The data schema of Hadoop is dynamic type. | It is free of data schema. |
9. | Low data integrity available. | Highly data integrity available. |
10. | Free of cost, as it is an open source software. | Cost is applicable for licensed software. |