📜  装饰图案 |设置 3(编码设计)

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-10 02:41:00             🧑  作者: Mango

我们已经在第 1 组中讨论了 Pizza 设计问题和解决它的不同天真方法。我们还在第 2 组中引入了装饰器模式。

在本文中,讨论了 Pizza 问题的装饰器模式的设计和实现。强烈建议您先自己尝试一下。


  • Pizza充当我们的抽象组件类。
  • 有四个具体组件,即PeppyPaneerFarmHouseMargheritaChickenFiesta
  • ToppingsDecorator是我们的抽象装饰器,而FreshTomatoPaneerJalapenoBarbeque是具体装饰器。


// Java program to demonstrate Decorator
// pattern
// Abstract Pizza class (All classes extend
// from this)
abstract class Pizza
    // it is an abstract pizza
    String description = "Unkknown Pizza";
    public String getDescription()
        return description;
    public abstract int getCost();
// The decorator class :  It extends Pizza to be
// interchangable with it topings decorator can
// also be implemented as an interface
abstract class ToppingsDecorator extends Pizza
    public abstract String getDescription();
// Concrete pizza classes
class PeppyPaneer extends Pizza
    public PeppyPaneer() { description = "PeppyPaneer"; }
    public int getCost() {  return 100; }
class FarmHouse extends Pizza
    public FarmHouse() {  description = "FarmHouse"; }
    public int getCost() { return 200; }
class Margherita extends Pizza
    public Margherita()  { description = "Margherita"; }
    public int getCost() { return 100;  }
class ChickenFiesta extends Pizza
    public ChickenFiesta() { description = "ChickenFiesta";}
    public int getCost() { return 200; }
class SimplePizza extends Pizza
public SimplePizza() { description = "SimplePizza"; }
public int getCost() {  return 50;  }
// Concrete toppings classes
class FreshTomato extends ToppingsDecorator
    // we need a reference to obj we are decorating
    Pizza pizza;
    public FreshTomato(Pizza pizza) { this.pizza = pizza; }
    public String getDescription() {
        return pizza.getDescription() + ", Fresh Tomato ";
    public int getCost() { return 40 + pizza.getCost(); }
class Barbeque extends ToppingsDecorator
    Pizza pizza;
    public Barbeque(Pizza pizza) {  this.pizza = pizza;  }
    public String getDescription() {
        return pizza.getDescription() + ", Barbeque ";
    public int getCost() { return 90 + pizza.getCost(); }
class Paneer extends ToppingsDecorator
    Pizza pizza;
    public Paneer(Pizza pizza)  {  this.pizza = pizza; }
    public String getDescription() {
        return pizza.getDescription() + ", Paneer ";
    public int getCost()  {  return 70 + pizza.getCost(); }
// Other toppings can be coded in a similar way
// Driver class and method
class PizzaStore
    public static void main(String args[])
        // create new margherita pizza
        Pizza pizza = new Margherita();
        System.out.println( pizza.getDescription() +
                         " Cost :" + pizza.getCost());
        // create new FarmHouse pizza
        Pizza pizza2 = new FarmHouse();
        // decorate it with freshtomato topping
        pizza2 = new FreshTomato(pizza2);
        //decorate it with paneer topping
        pizza2 = new Paneer(pizza2);
        System.out.println( pizza2.getDescription() +
                         " Cost :" + pizza2.getCost());
        Pizza pizza3 = new Barbeque(null);    //no specific pizza
        System.out.println( pizza3.getDescription() + "  Cost :" + pizza3.getCost());


Margherita Cost :100
FarmHouse, Fresh Tomato , Paneer Cost :310


// CPP program to demonstrate 
// Decorator pattern
using namespace std;
// Component 
class MilkShake
    virtual string Serve() = 0;
    virtual float price() = 0;
// Concrete Component  
class BaseMilkShake : public MilkShake
    string Serve()
        return "MilkShake";
    float price()
        return 30;
// Decorator 
class MilkShakeDecorator: public MilkShake
    MilkShake *m_MilkShake;
    MilkShakeDecorator(MilkShake *baseMilkShake): m_MilkShake(baseMilkShake){}
    string Serve()
        return m_MilkShake->Serve();
    float price()
        return m_MilkShake->price();
// Concrete Decorator 
class MangoMilkShake: public MilkShakeDecorator
    MangoMilkShake(MilkShake *baseMilkShake): MilkShakeDecorator(baseMilkShake){}
    string Serve()
        return m_MilkShake->Serve() + " decorated with Mango ";
    float price()
        return m_MilkShake->price() + 40;
class VanillaMilkShake: public MilkShakeDecorator
    VanillaMilkShake(MilkShake *baseMilkShake): MilkShakeDecorator(baseMilkShake){}
    string Serve()
        return m_MilkShake->Serve() + " decorated with Vanilla ";
    float price()
        return m_MilkShake->price() + 80;
int main()
  MilkShake *baseMilkShake = new BaseMilkShake();
  cout << "Basic Milk shake \n";
  cout << baseMilkShake -> Serve() << endl;
  cout << baseMilkShake -> price() << endl;    
  MilkShake *decoratedMilkShake = new MangoMilkShake(baseMilkShake);
  cout << "Mango decorated Milk shake \n";
  cout << decoratedMilkShake -> Serve() << endl;
  cout << decoratedMilkShake -> price() << endl;    
  delete decoratedMilkShake;
  decoratedMilkShake = new VanillaMilkShake(baseMilkShake);
  cout << "Vanilla decorated Milk shake \n";
  cout << decoratedMilkShake -> Serve() << endl;
  cout << decoratedMilkShake -> price() << endl;    
 delete decoratedMilkShake;
 delete baseMilkShake;
  return 0;


Basic Milk shake
Price of MilkShake : 30
Mango decorated Milk shake
MilkShake decorated with Mango
Price of Mango MilkShake : 70
Vanilla decorated Milk shake
MilkShake decorated with Vanilla
Price of Vanilla MilkShake : 110