如今,由于没有人会因为学习一种方言而缺席,因此无论您从哪种方言开始都没有关系。从长远来看,同时拥有 JavaScript 和 C# 的信息将是有利的。通常,必须像Java一样在 C# 中键入如此多的代码行才能完成在 JavaScript 中并非如此的事情。
JavaScript(JS): JavaScript 可能是一种高级编程语言。它通常用于网络浏览器。除了 HTML 和 CSS,JavaScript 是万维网的建立。它使客户端和服务器之间的交互成为可能。无数的网站使用 JavaScript,几乎所有最先进的 Web 浏览器都有 JavaScript 引擎。JavaScript 支持事件驱动、有用和基本的编程风格,它可能是一种多范式方言。它可以处理内容、集群、习惯表达、日期,并且可以对文档对象模型 (DOM) 进行基本控制。
C Sharp(C#) :它可能是一种通用的、面向对象的编程方言。它期待一种直接、先进和通用的方言。已计划构建一个从小功能扩展到扩展工作框架的程序。它也是一种多范式方言,文字扎实、基础、启发性、有用性和成分排列。
JavaScript 和 C Sharp 的区别:
JavaScript | C Sharp |
JavaScript runs in maximum browsers without no plugin prerequisite. | C# requires a plugin . |
It cannot examined or type in records in client machine. | It can examine and compose records in case given Silver light version permits for it. |
JavaScript is dynamic written. | Static written. |
JavaScript has isolated libraries to do local questioning like underscore.js | C# has LINQ, a effective .NET component utilizing which local questioning can be done. |
JavaScript does not have an administrator and change over-burdening. | C# has administrator and transformation over-burdening capabilities. |
The most purpose of JavaScript is to form intuitively web applications. | C# can be utilized in so numerous broadly diverse applications. |
JavaScript’s scope is constrained and there are a few pitfalls to this dialect. | C# may be a truly vigorous dialect which engineer incline toward over the globe. |
Javascript is a single threaded language. | C sharp supports multithreading. |