📜  sharp npm - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:34:57.878000             🧑  作者: Mango

Sharp NPM - Shell/Bash

Sharp NPM is a powerful node module that allows you to perform various image processing operations via the command-line interface (CLI). In this article, we will dive into the main features of Sharp NPM and provide you with examples of how you can use this module within your projects.


Before we start using Sharp NPM, we need to install it. We can easily do this by running the following command within the terminal:

npm install sharp

It is important to note that the Sharp NPM module requires certain system libraries to be installed. You can find more information about the required libraries in the Sharp NPM documentation.

Image Processing Operations

With Sharp NPM, we can perform various image processing operations such as resizing, cropping, rotating, and more. Let's take a look at some examples:

Resizing Images

Resizing an image is a common operation that we may need to perform within our projects. We can use the Sharp NPM module to easily resize an image by specifying the desired width and height:

sharp input.jpg --resize 500x500 output.jpg

This command would resize the input.jpg image to a width of 500 pixels and a height of 500 pixels and save the result as output.jpg.

Cropping Images

Cropping an image allows us to select a portion of the image that we want to keep and discard the rest. We can use the Sharp NPM module to crop an image by specifying the top-left x and y coordinates of the crop region, as well as the width and height of the region:

sharp input.jpg --crop 100,100,500,500 output.jpg

This command would crop the input.jpg image starting from the top-left corner at x=100 and y=100, with a width of 500 pixels and a height of 500 pixels, and save the result as output.jpg.

Rotating Images

Rotating an image can be useful when we want to change the orientation of an image. We can use the Sharp NPM module to rotate an image by specifying the angle of rotation in degrees:

sharp input.jpg --rotate 90 output.jpg

This command would rotate the input.jpg image by 90 degrees and save the result as output.jpg.


Sharp NPM is a powerful module that allows us to easily perform various image processing operations via the command-line interface. We have seen some examples of how we can use Sharp NPM to resize, crop, and rotate images. There are many more operations available within the Sharp NPM module that we can explore in the official documentation.