FTP 代表文件传输协议。它是一种用于将文件从一台主机传输或复制到另一台主机的协议。但是在不同的主机或系统上收发文件时,可能会出现文件名不同、文件目录不同等问题。而在FTP中,没有提供安全通道来在主机或系统之间传输文件。它用于端口号 21。
SFTP 代表安全文件传输协议。它是一种提供安全通道的协议,用于将文件从一个主机传输或复制到另一个主机或系统。 SFTP在SSH协议下建立控制连接,使用在22号端口。
1. | It stands for File Transfer Protocol. | It stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol. |
2. | In FTP, secure channel is not provided to transfer the files between the hosts. | In SFTP, secure channel is provided to transfer the files between the hosts. |
3. | It is a part of TCP/IP protocol. | It is a SSH protocol. |
4. | It usually runs on port no-21. | It runs on port no-22. |
5. | It establishes the connection under TCP protocol. | It establishes the control connection under SSH protocol. |
6. | It does not encrypt the data before sending. | It encrypted data before sending. |
7. | It works on direct method for file transfer. | It works on tunelling method for transferring of files. |
8. | It makes uploading and downloading of files without any security. | It maintains full security of the data by using SSH keys. |