📜  V模型和瀑布模型的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-11 03:48:18             🧑  作者: Mango

V模型是软件测试过程中最重要的模型。它也被称为验证和验证模型。它是由已故的 Paul Rook 在 1980 年代引入的。 V 模型是一个顺序过程,其中只有在当前阶段完成后才开始下一阶段。在此模型中,当台阶向上弯曲时,台阶不会以线性方式移动。

它类似于瀑布模型,因为我们从左到右遵循 V 模型,并遵循流程执行的顺序路径,就像在瀑布模型中一样。在瀑布模型中,遵循需求、设计、实现、验证和最终维护的步骤.同样,在V-model中遵循相同的步骤。所以我们可以说V模型是瀑布模型的替代品。

除此之外,v-model 是瀑布模型的替代品。下面给出了这两种模型之间的一些差异。

Waterfall model V-model
The cost of Waterfall model is low. V-model is expensive.
Simplicity of Waterfall model is simple. Simplicity of V-model is Intermediate.
Flexibility of Waterfall model is Rigid. Flexibility of V-model is Little flexible.
Waterfall model is a sequential execution process. It is also a sequential execution process.
Waterfall model’s steps move in a linear way. V-model’s steps don’t move in linear way. Re-usability of Waterfall model is Limited. V-model can be Re-use for some extent.
User involvement in Waterfall model is only in beginning. User involvement in V-model is also only in beginning.
In Waterfall model testing activities start after the development activities are over. In V-model testing activities start with the first stage.
Guarantee of success through Waterfall model is low. Guarantee of success through V-model is high.
Waterfall model is a continuous process. V-model is a simultaneous process.
Software made using Waterfall model, the number of defects are less in comparison of software made using V-model. Software made using V-model, the number of defects are greater in comparison of software made using Waterfall model.
Requirement specification in Waterfall model is necessary in beginning. Requirement specification in V-model is also necessary in beginning.
Waterfall model is less used now-a-days in software engineering. V-model is widely used in software engineering.