1. 直连存储(DAS):
永久连接到台式计算机的存储设备。 DAS 适用于单个用户(连接到计算机的硬盘)。 DAS 非常适合中小型企业,在这些企业中,可以以较低的启动成本配置足够的存储量。 DAS 机箱将是一个单独的相邻机柜,其中包含额外的磁盘驱动器。
直接连接存储 (DAS) 的组件 –
1. Storage devices
2. Cables
3. Disk Array
4. Protocol
5. Storage protocols: ATA, SCSI, SAS, SASA, FC
2. 网络附加存储(NAS):
该存储设备连接在局域网上,用于在连接到局域网的不同用户之间共享数据。用户可以通过网络访问文件级别的信息,而不是在扇区级别访问数据。这个 NAS 系统有自己的文件系统,这个文件系统是通过正确的 NAS 配置设置的,不依赖于它所连接的计算机的操作系统。这种类型的网络需要一种介质来连接多台计算机。 NFS、AFP 或 CIFS 等文件共享协议提供对网络中文件的访问。
网络附加存储 (NAS) 的组成部分 –
1. Head unit: CPU, Memory
2. Network Interface Card (NIC)
3. Optimized operating system
4. Protocols
5. Storage protocols: ATA, SCSI, FC
1. | DAS stands for Direct Access Storage. | NAS stands for Network Attached Storage. |
2. | For backups and recovery, Sectors are used. | For backups and recovery, Files are used. |
3. | It is easy to install. | It is moderate to install. |
4. | DAS is not complex. | NAS is complex than DAS. |
5. | It is less expensive. | It is expensive than DAS. |
6. | For data transmission, IDE/SCSI is used. | For data transmission, TCP/IP, Ethernet is used. |
7. | Its capacity in bytes is 10^9. | Its capacity in bytes is 10^9 to 10^12. |
8. | It does not allow to share files at different operating system. | It allows to share files at different operating system. |