1. 直连存储(DAS):
永久连接到台式计算机的存储设备。 DAS 适用于单个用户(连接到计算机的硬盘)。它非常适合可以以较低的启动成本配置足够数量的存储的中小型企业。 DAS 机柜将是一个单独的相邻机柜,其中包含额外的磁盘驱动器。
直接连接存储 (DAS) 的组件 –
1. Storage devices
2. Cables
3. Disk Array
4. Protocol
5. Storage protocols: ATA, SCSI, SAS, SASA, FC
SAN 在网络上的块级别上起作用。可以使用 ISCSI 或 FC 访问的存储。适用于关键业务应用程序和需要高性能的地方。基于 SAN 的存储解决方案的主要优势是能够将存储阵列共享给多台服务器。这允许您根据需要配置存储容量,通常由专门的 SAN 管理员进行。更高级别的性能吞吐量在 SAN 环境中是典型的,并且数据通过冗余磁盘控制器和驱动器具有高可用性。
存储区域网络 (SAN) 的组成部分 –
1. Node ports
2. Cables
3. Interconnect device such as: Hubs, switches, directors
4. Storage arrays
5. SAN management Software
DAS 和 SAN 的区别:
1. | DAS stands for Direct Access Storage. | SAN stands for Storage Area Network. |
2. | For backups and recovery, Sectors are used. | For backups and recovery, Block by block copying technique is used. |
3. | It is easy to install. | It is difficult to install. |
4. | It is not complex. | It is complex. |
5. | It is less expensive | It is more expensive. |
6. | For data transmission, IDE/SCSI is used. | For data transmission, Fiber Channel, IP is used. |
7. | Its capacity in bytes is 10^9. | Its capacity in bytes is greater than 10^12. |
8. | It does not allow to share files at different operating system. | It allows to share files at different operating system. |