Python: Python是一种高级的解释型编程语言。它是由 Guido Van Rossum 于 1991 年发明的。 Python是一种面向对象的编程语言,拥有庞大的库支持,使各种程序和算法的实现变得容易。它的语言结构和面向对象的方法旨在帮助程序员为各种项目编写清晰、合乎逻辑的代码。
Java: Java是一种高级的、面向对象的编程语言,最初由 James Gosling 在 1995 年在 Sun Microsystems 开发Java具有类似于 C 和 C++ 的语法,但具有低级困难。 Java是平台无关的(WORA – 一次编写,随处运行)意味着编译后的Java代码可以在不同平台上运行而无需重新编译。
Parameter | Python | Java |
Code | Python has less lines of code. | Java has longer lines of code. |
Framework | Compare to JAVA, Python has lower number of Frameworks. Popular ones are DJango, Flask. | Java has large number of Frameworks. Popular ones are Spring, Hibernate, etc. |
Syntax | Syntax is easy to remember almost similar to human language. | Syntax is complex as it throws error if you miss semicolon or curly braces. |
Key Features | Less line no of code, Rapid deployment and dynamic typing. | Self memory management, Robust, Platform independent |
Speed | Python is slower since it uses interpreter and also determines the data type at run time. | Java is faster in speed as compared to python. |
Databases | Python’s database access layers are weaker than Java’s JDBC. This is why it rarely used in enterprises. | (JDBC)Java Database Connectivity is most popular and widely used to connect with database. |
Machine Learning Libraries | Tensorflow, Pytorch. | Weka, Mallet, Deeplearning4j, MOA |
Practical Agility | Python has always had a presence in the agile space and has grown in popularity for many reasons, including the rise of the DevOps movement. | Java enjoys more consistent refactoring support than Python thanks on one hand to its static type system which makes automated refactored more predictable and reliable, and on the other to the prevalence of IDEs in Java development . |
我们可以得出结论, Java和Python语言都有自己的优势。为您的项目选择一种特定的语言真的取决于您。 Python简单而简洁,而Java速度更快,更易于移植。 Python代码是动态编码的,而Java是静态编码的。 Python 的未来非常耀眼,我们认为它的未来是自信的。 Python远非完美,但如果我们说Python是一种未来的新兴语言,那么我们必须同意Java的存在,它的 API 被广泛使用。