1. 甲骨文:
Oracle 是由 Oracle Corporation 开发的商业软件。 Oracle 广泛使用 RDBMS。 Oracle 允许快速安全地存储和检索数据。它用于运行在线事务处理和数据仓库。 Oracle 可在大多数主要操作系统上运行,如 Mac OS、UNIX、Windows 和 Linux。 Oracle 具有网络堆栈,允许来自不同平台的应用程序轻松地与 Oracle 通信。
2. 数据库:
dBASE 是最成功的微型计算机数据库管理系统之一。它是第一个商业上成功的个人计算机数据库系统。它用于创建和操作关系数据库 (RDBMS)。 DBASE 使用类似于 BASIC 语言的过程函数和命令。它使用简单的命令进行数据操作,如 USE、GO TOP 等。
Oracle 和 dBASE 的区别:
S.NO. | Oracle | dBASE |
1. | It was developed by Oracle Corporation. | It was developed by Asthon Tate. |
2. | It was launched in 1980. | It was launched in 1979. |
3. | Run over operating system is Oracle. | Run over operating systems are DOS (dBASE Classic) and Windows (dBASE Pro). |
4. | It is an commercial software. | It is also commercial software. |
5. | JDBC, ODBC, ODP.NET and Oracle Call Interface (OCI) are the APIs and access methods used in Oracle. | No APIs and access method are used in dBASE. |
6. | Oracle is implemented in C and C++ languages. | dBASE is implemented in SQL languages. |
7. | It uses Horizontal partitioning with the Optional Oracle Partitioning methods. | dBASE does not use any partitioning method. |
8. | Referential integrity is used in Oracle. | Referential integrity is used in dBASE. |
9. | It uses Selectable Replication method. | It does not use any replication method. |
10. | ACID properties of transaction is used. | There are no transaction concepts for dBASE internal data, but IDE does support transactions when accessing external DBMS. |