1. Microsoft Access:
Microsoft Access是一个数据库程序,它使用唯一的ID号和可编辑的数据列表来存储大量项目的详细信息,即您可以使用此程序进行存储。
- Access旨在让多个用户使用同一个DB文件以及各种安全预防措施项来帮助保护数据,例如记录级别锁定,这些用户在同一个DB文件中工作。
- 在Access中创建的数据库以mdb扩展名保存。
- 数据存储在表中。
- 表格的每个字段都可以与某些约束相关联,例如仅允许使用字母数字值。
- 像任何其他关系数据库一样,它基于表,字段和关系的原理工作。它支持各种数字,日期,文本等。
2. dBASE:
dBASE是最成功的微型计算机数据库管理系统之一。它是第一个商业上成功的个人计算机数据库系统。它用于创建和处理关系数据库(RDBMS)。 DBASE使用类似于BASIC语言的过程函数和命令。它使用简单的命令进行数据操作,例如USE,GO TOP等。
dBASE和Microsoft Access之间的区别:
S.No. | Microsft Access | dBASE |
1. | It was developed by Microsoft in 1992. | It was developed by Asthon Tate in 1979. |
2. | Windows is only server operating. system using Microsoft Access. |
DOS and Windows are server operating. system using dBASE. |
3. |
Microsoft Access support standard query language (SQL). |
dBASE does not support SQL. |
4. | ADO.NET, JDBC, ODBC, e.t.c are used as APIs and other access method. |
It does not support any APIs and access method. |
5. | ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) of transaction is followed by Microsoft Access. |
There are no transaction concepts for dBASE internal data, but IDE does support transactions when accessing external DBMS. |
6. | Server side scripting is allowed in Microsoft Access. |
Server side scripting is not allowed in dBASE. |
7. | No Access right for users in Microsoft Access. |
Access rights for users and roles is in dBASE. |
8. | Triggers can be used in Microsoft Access. |
Triggers can’t be used in dBASE. |