1. 路由信息协议(RIP):
在 RIP 中,距离矢量路由 (DVR) 协议用于数据/数据包传输。在路由信息协议 (RIP) 中,最大跳数为 15,因为它可以防止从源到目的地的路由循环。使用水平分割、路由中毒和抑制等机制来防止不正确或错误的路由信息。 Sally Floyd 和 Van Jacobson [1994] 建议,如果计时器没有轻微的随机化,计时器就会同步超时。与其他路由协议相比,RIP 性能较差且限制规模,即网络较小。使用 RIP 的主要优点是它使用 UDP(用户数据报协议)。
2. 增强型内部网关协议(EIGRP):
EIGRP 代表允许路由器向同一区域内的相邻路由器共享信息。不需要将整个信息发送到相邻路由器,而是共享所需的信息,这减少了工作量和需要传输的数据量。它由CISCO系统设计,只能在CISCO路由器上使用,但在2013年开源,所以可以在其他路由器上使用。邻居表和拓扑表由 EIGRP 维护。
RIP 和 EIGRP 的区别:
1. | RIP stands for Routing Information Protocol. | EIGRP stands for Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol. |
2. | RIP works on Bellman Ford algorithm. | EIGRP works on DUAL(Diffusing Update Algorithm) Algorithm. |
3. | It is a industry standard dynamic routing protocol. | It is a Cisco standard routing protocol. |
4. | It is basically use for smaller size organization. | It is basically use for lager size organization as compared to RIP. |
5. | RIP is a distance vector protocol. | EIGRP is derived from Integrated Gateway Routing Protocol. |
6. | It allow maximum hop count upto 15. | It allow maximum hop count upto 255. |
7. | It’s administrative distance is 120. | It’s administrative distance is 90. |
8. | It is not a more intelligent dynamic routing protocol. | It is a more intelligent routing protocol than RIP. |
9. | It calculates the metric in terms of Hop Count. | It calculates the metric in terms of bandwidth and delay. |
10. | RIP routing protocol creates two table in the router: Routing Table, and Topology Table. | EIGRP routing protocol creates three table In the router: Neighbor Table, Topology Table, and Routing Table. |