2. 数据流图(DFD):
数据是指信息,流是指移动,图是指一张图来表示某事。因此,DFD 基本上是数据或信息流的图形表示。它是数据系统的框架或模式。它包括存储数据、数据输入、数据输出。它被描述为将数据作为输入,存储数据,将数据作为输出的过程。它描述了完成该过程的数据路径。
S.No. | Flow Chart | Data Flow Diagram (DFD) |
1. | The main objective is to represents the flow of control in program. | The main objective is to represent the processes and data flow between them. |
2. | It has only a single type of arrow is used to show the control flow in flow chart. | It defines the flow and process of data input, data output, and storing data. |
3 | It is the view of the system at a lower level. | It is the view of the system at a high level. |
4. | These are represented by three symbols. | These are represented by five symbols. |
5. | It deals with the physical aspect of the action. | It deals with the logical aspect of the action. |
6. | It shows the how to make system function. | It defines the functionality of the system. |
7. | It is not very suitable for a complex system. | It is used for complex systems. |