📜  Google Drive 和 pCloud 的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-13 02:13:18             🧑  作者: Mango

1. 谷歌云端硬盘:
Google Drive 是 Google 提供的文件存储和同步服务。它允许用户存储文件和个人数据并共享文件。它提供 15 GB 的免费存储空间。它由 Google 于 2012 年推出。几乎每个与互联网有关的人都在使用它。每个人都用它来存储一些专业和个人数据。

2. 云:
pCloud 是 pCloud AG 提供的文件共享和云存储服务。它是一种安全的云存储服务。它还提供文件共享服务,有助于与其他用户共享文件。它没有文件大小的限制。它由 pCloud AG 开发。它提供 10 GB 的免费存储空间。它为付费用户提供有限的最大存储空间。它于2013年推出。

Google Drive 和 pCloud 的区别:

It is owned by Google LLC. It is owned by pCloud AG.
It was launched in 2012. It was launched in 2013.
It was developed by Google. It was developed by pCloud AG.
It offers 15 GB free storage space. It offers 10 GB free storage space.
It provides limited maximum storage space. It also provides limited maximum storage space.
It is a file hosting and cloud storage service. It is a file sharing, cloud storage and backup service.
It has the maximum storage size of 30 TB. Maximum storage size is 2 TB here.
It supports file versioning. It also supports file versioning.
It provides more security of data. It provides comparatively less security of data.
Maximum file size is 5 TB here. Maximum file size is unlimited here.
It has huge number of users. It has comparatively less number of users.