1. 谷歌云端硬盘:
Google Drive 是 Google 提供的文件存储和同步服务。它允许用户存储文件和个人数据并共享文件。它提供 15 GB 的免费存储空间。它由 Google 于 2012 年推出。几乎每个与互联网有关的人都在使用它。每个人都用它来存储一些专业和个人数据。
2. 云:
iCloud 是苹果公司提供的云存储和云计算服务。它允许用户将文档、照片和音乐等数据存储在远程服务器上,以便下载到 iOS、macOS 或 Windows 设备。它还能够与其他用户共享和发送数据。如果 Apple 设备丢失或被盗,管理它也很有帮助。它于2011年推出。
Google Drive 和 iCloud 的区别:
It is owned by Google LLC. | It is owned by Apple Incorporation. |
It was launched in 2012. | It was launched in 2011. |
It offers 15 GB free storage space. | It offers 5 GB free storage space. |
It charges comparatively more for additional storage that means it is more costly. | It charges less for additional storage that means it is less costly. |
It can provide paid storage space of maximum 30 TB. | While it can provide paid storage space of maximum 2 TB. |
The number of users using Google Drive is more. | The number of users using iCloud is less. |
It provides the file versioning. | It also provides file versioning but partially. |
It was designed using Python and Objective-C. | While it was designed suing C and Objective-C. |
Maximum file size can be 5 TB. | While here maximum file size can be only 50 GB. |
There is no traffic or band-width limit. | While her is traffic or band-width limit of 200, 400 or 600 per month. |