1. IP 地址:
Internet 协议地址(IP 地址)是我们网络硬件的逻辑地址,其他设备通过该地址在网络中识别它。 IP 地址代表 Internet 协议地址,它是唯一的数字或数字表示,用于唯一标识网络上的特定接口。每个连接到 Internet 的设备都会为其分配一个 IP 地址,作为其唯一标识。
IPv4 中的地址是 32 位长的示例,
IPv6 中的地址是 128 位示例,
2. 端口号:
端口号是寻址信息的一部分,用于识别计算机网络中消息的发送者和接收者。不同的端口号用于确定应将传入流量定向到什么协议。端口号标识 Internet 或其他网络消息到达服务器时要转发到的特定进程。为每个协议标识端口,并将其视为通信端点。
端口由 16 位数字表示。 0 到 1023 是受限制的端口号,因为它们被众所周知的协议服务使用。 1024 到 49151 是注册端口号,意味着它可以被软件公司注册到特定的协议,最后 49152 到 65536 被用作私有端口意味着它们可以被任何人使用。
Serial No | IP address | Port Number |
01. | Internet Protocol address (IP address) used to identify a host in network. | Port number is used to identify an processes/services on your system |
02. | IPv4 is of 32 bits (4 bytes) size and for IPv6 is 128 bits (16 bytes). | The Port number is 16 bits numbers. |
03. | IP address is the address of the layer-3 IP protocol. | Port number is the address of the layer-4 protocols. |
04. | IP address is provided by admin of system or network administrator. | Port number for application is provided by kernel of Operating System. |
05. | ipconfig command can be used to find IP address . | netstat command can be used to find Network Statistics Including Available TCP Ports. |
06. | IP address identify a host/computer on a computer network. | Port numbers are logical interfaces used by communication protocols. |
07. |, are some of IP address examples. | 80 for HTTP, 123 for NTP, 67 and 68 for DHCP traffic, 22 for SSH etc. |