1. 优先级调度算法:
笔记 –
- 如果两个进程具有相同的优先级,则使用 FCFS 打破平局。
- 在抢占模式下,最高优先级进程的等待时间始终为零,而在非抢占模式下,它可能不为零。
2. 循环(RR):
循环 (RR) 调度算法是专门为分时系统设计的。进程被放入就绪队列中,在这种情况下它是一个循环队列。在这种情况下,定义了一个称为时间量的小时间单位。该算法从队列中选择第一个进程并在时间片定义的时间内执行它。如果进程的突发时间小于时间片,则 CPU 执行下一个进程,但如果它的突发时间大于时间片,则该过程被中断,并在相同的时间片内执行下一个进程。如果进程被中断,则会发生上下文切换,并将进程放回队列的尾部。它本质上是先发制人的。
该算法主要依赖于时间量程。非常大的时间量使 RR 与 FCFS 相同,而非常小的时间量会导致开销,因为上下文切换将在非常小的间隔后一次又一次地发生。
该算法的主要优点是所有进程都一个接一个地执行,这不会导致进程饥饿或进程等待很长时间才能执行。 Priority Scheduling 和 Round-Robin (RR) 调度算法的区别如下:
Priority Scheduling | Round-Robin (RR) |
Priority Scheduling executes the processes according to the priority i.e. process with higher priority is executed first. | Round-Robin (RR) executes the processes based upon the time quantum defined i.e. each process is executed for a fixed amount of time. |
Priority Scheduling is both preemptive and non-preemptive in nature. | Round-Robin (RR) is preemptive in nature. |
The average waiting time and average response time is unknown beforehand. | The average waiting time for given set of processes is quite small and depends on the time quantum. |
It is easy to implement and best suited for real time operating systems. | It is quite easy to implement RR in any system. |
The problem of blocking of a process can be solved using aging. | Each process is executed and every user feels that his work is being done as the CPU gives equal amount of time to each process. |