📜  Gradle 和 Maven 的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-14 02:13:53             🧑  作者: Mango

软件是一个程序或一组程序,其中包含提供所需功能的指令,而工程是设计和构建服务于特定目的并找到具有成本效益的问题解决方案的过程。 GradleMaven是用于构建软件的不同工具。在本文中,将讨论这两种工具之间的差异。

Gradle: Gradle 是一个开源工具,可帮助我们创建机械化软件。由于其高性能,该工具被广泛用于创建不同类型的软件。它适用于Java和基于 Groovy 的领域特定语言 (DSL),用于开发项目结构。 Gradle 支持通过在各种平台上进行测试和部署来创建移动和 Web 应用程序。凭借其功能,它被首选作为开发 Android 应用程序的官方工具。

Maven: Maven 是一个开源项目管理工具,可帮助我们在此工具使用的生命周期中创建不同的软件。该工具侧重于在短时间内以标准布局对软件进行标准化(即)开发。有了这个,我们可以创建Java项目,但也兼容用于其他语言。 Maven 使用可扩展标记语言 (XML) 来构建应用程序。


Basis Gradle Maven
Based on Gradle is based on developing domain-specific language projects. Maven is based on developing pure Java language-based software.
Configuration It uses a Groovy-based Domain-specific language(DSL) for creating project structure. It uses Extensible Markup Language(XML) for creating project structure.
Focuses on Developing applications by adding new features to them. Developing applications in a given time limit.
Performance It performs better than maven as it optimized for tracking only current running task. It does not create local temporary files during software creation hence uses large time.
Java Compilation It avoids compilation. It is necessary to compile.
Usability It is a new tool, which requires users to spend a lot of time to get used to it. This tool is a known tool for many users and is easily available.
Customization This tool is highly customizable as it supports a variety of IDE’s. This tool serves a limited amount of developers and is not that customizable.
Languages supported It supports software development in Java, C, C++, and Groovy. It supports software development in Scala, C#, and Ruby.