📜  Maven 和 Ant 的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:58:10.772000             🧑  作者: Mango

Maven 和 Ant 的区别

Maven 是一个基于项目对象模型的强大的项目管理工具。它有助于管理项目构建、文档、依赖项、发布等。

Ant 是一个命令行工具箱,没有任何编码约定或项目结构,因此使用起来更灵活、更易于管理。它最常用于构建Java应用程序。

Maven 和 Ant 的区别:

DefinitionIt is a framework based on the concept of POM.It is a Java library and command-line toolbox.
ConventionIt has built-in conventions to place source code, compiled code, etc.It does not have any formal conventions.
Project structure InfoIt does not require information about the project structure to be provided in the pom.xml file.It requires information on the project structure to be provided in the build.xml file.
LifecycleIt has a lifecycle.It does not have a lifecycle.
NatureIt is declarative in nature (only source should be present in the default directory).It is procedural in nature (manually tell exactly what to do and when to do it).
TypeIt is primarily a project management tool.It is primarily a project management tool.
DependencyIt can self download the dependencies from a central repository for building projects.It has no built-in support for dependency management. 
ReusabilityIt consists of reusable plugins.It consists of scripts that are not reusable.
PreferenceIt is less preferred.It is more preferred.
ComplexityIt is more complex.It is simple and reliable. 
FlexibilityIt is less flexible and maintainable.It is more flexible and maintainable.