Fastag 是一种在印度支付通行税的快捷方式。它由印度国家支付公司 (NPCI) 开发,并由印度国家公路管理局使用。这些车辆的汽车、公共汽车、卡车或出租车的玻璃上或摩托车的引擎盖上都印有标签。然后扫描此打印的标签,并由司机首选和选定的付款银行进行付款。
paytm 应用程序上的 Fastag 选项
2. 条码:
扫描到 GeeksforGeeks 的条形码
QR 码是 1994 年开发的一种条形码。它们是由日本的 Denso Wave 公司开发的。它们本质上是二维的。它们可以通过 QR 扫描仪进行扫描,以检索存储在其中的信息。它们可以存储数字和多媒体数据。
扫描到 www.geeksforgeeks.org 的二维码
4.近场通信(NFC) :
NFC技术是当今非常著名的技术。它也被称为近场通信技术。它由菲利普斯和索尼于 2002 年开发。它概述了放置在 4 厘米范围内的设备之间的通信规则集。它广泛用于无现金支付领域。
扬声器上的 NFC
S.No. | Fastag | Barcode | QR code | NFC |
1. | It was introduced in the year 2014. | It was introduced in the year 1952. | It was introduced in the year 1994. | It was introduced in the year 2002. |
2. | Its developer is National Payments Corporation of India. | Its developer is Norman Joseph Woodland. | Its developer is Masahiro Hara. | Its developer is Franz Amtmann and Philippe Mangars. |
3. | There is only 1 type of Fastag. | There are 2 types of Barcode, 1 dimensional and 2 dimensional. | There is only 1 type of QR Code. | There is only 1 type of NFC. |
4. | It is a technology for collection of toll taxes, using the RFID technology. | It is a way of storing numbers in a printed format that is also computer understandable. | It is a type of 2 dimensional barcode or printed representation of data that can be scanned for data retrieval. | It provides a protocol for communication or interaction between devices (electronic) within 4m of distance. |
5. | The user is National Highway Authority of India (NHAI). NHAI uses it for collection of toll taxes. General public use it for paying of toll tax. | It is used at stores for tracking all purchased items, in hospitals for tracking the records of patients, in rental cars business and tracking of airline luggage, mails and nuclear waste. | It is used in supermarkets, hospitals, cinema or by individuals etc. for transfer of data (sharing contacts, photos, videos and other documents.). | It is used as identity cards, as key cards and as a method of contactless payments and mobile payments in various sectors such as retail, automobile, cinema etc. |
6. | It is inspired by the RFID technology. | It is inspired by the Morse Code technology. | It is inspired by the Morse Code technology. | It is inspired by the inductive coupling between antennas of the connecting devices. |
7. | It is cost effective. | It is cost effective. | It is cost effective. | It is not cost effective. |
8. | The storage capacity is 3 kilobytes. | The storage capacity is greater than 100 bytes. | The storage capacity is 2 kilobytes. | The storage capacity is 48 bytes to 8 kilobytes. |
9. | Several Fastags are processed at an instant. | Only 1 barcode is processed at an instant. | Only 1 QR code is processed at an instant. | Only 1 NFC is processed at an instant. |
10. | There is one way communication.. | There is one way communication. | There is one way communication.. | There is two way communication. |
11. | Its popularity is high. | Its popularity is very high. | Its popularity is very high. | Its popularity is very moderate. |