📜  冒烟测试和回归测试的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-14 02:40:07             🧑  作者: Mango

先决条件 – 软件测试
1. 烟雾测试:

一些测试是在任何功能测试之前完成的,任何详细的功能测试都是在软件上完成的。此冒烟测试在软件开发生命周期 (SDLC) 的初始开发阶段进行。烟雾测试也称为“表面级测试”,因为它发生在实际过程测试之前,并且不执行深度测试,只是验证核心功能是否正常工作。冒烟测试不仅称为表面级测试,还称为“构建验证测试”,因为它可以验证软件的初始构建。

例子 –

2. 回归测试:


例子 –
如果我们以上述相同的示例为例,回归测试示例不仅包括使 Bus Ticket Reservation 站点正常工作的基本功能,还允许我们测试更复杂的座位预订用例,例如旅行位置、预订促销代码、国际税等等。


S.No. Smoke Testing Regression Testing
01. Smoke Testing is the Surface Level Testing to verify stability of system. Regression Testing is the Deep Level Testing to verify the rationality of system.
02. Smoke Test is always followed by Regression Test. Regression Test is always carried out throughout the testing phase.
03. Test Cases of Smoke Test is a part of Regression Testing and covers only the core functionalities. Regression testing is obtained from functional specification or Software Requirement Specification (SRS).
04. Smoke tests are performed by the developers. Regression tests are performed by the professional testers.
05. Smoke tests are performed quickly to confirm whether to accept or reject the build. Regression tests are not accountable for accepting or rejecting a software build for further testing procedures.
07. Cost of Smoke testing is low. Cost of Regression testing is little bit high.
08. This testing isd ocumented or scripted. This testing is not documented or scripted.
09. It is also know as Build Verification Testing. It is not known by any other name.
10. Requirement of time and manpower is less than Regression Testing. Requirement of time and manpower is less more than Smoke Testing.