2. 条件变量:
Semaphore |
Condition Variable |
It does not allow threads to wait. Instead, each thread keeps running and last thread that will set semaphore value to zero will go to sleep. | It allows threads to wait until particular condition occurs. |
It is generally used to solve problem of some critical sections in process synchronization. | It is generally used with mutex to signal changing states from one thread to another one. |
Its main aim is to control access to common resource by multiple processes and avoid critical section problems in concurrent system like multitasking operating system. | Its main aim is to support operations that wake one or wake all waiting threads. |
It can be used anywhere except in a monitor. | It can only be used in monitors. |
In this, wait () does not always block its caller. | In this, wait () usually blocks its caller always. |
They are sticky as they have memory and sem_post() will increment semaphore even if no one has called sem_wait(). | They are non-sticky as signal () is not saved if there is no one waiting for signal (). |
It is simply a counter + mutex + wait queue. | It is simply a wait-queue. |
It can be used as a conditional variable and therefore is more lightweight and flexible. | It cannot be used as a semaphore and therefore is not flexible. |
In this, we cannot unlock all waiting threads in same instant using broadcast unlocking. | In this, we can unlock all waiting threads in same instant using broadcast unlocking. |
Signals are not lost event if there is nobody waiting on the queue. | Signals are lost if there is nobody waiting on the queue. |