1. 敏捷测试:
敏捷测试是一种涉及项目团队所有成员、特殊专家和测试人员的软件测试类型。在敏捷测试工作中,测试不是一个不同的阶段,测试与开发阶段一起执行,包括需求、设计、编码和测试用例的生成。它与软件开发生命周期 (SDLC) 一起发生。
2. V 模型测试:
V-Model 测试是在开发过程完全完成或几乎完成后进行的一种软件测试。在这种情况下,开发和测试过程是完全分开的。它不包含任何迭代方法。
敏捷测试和 V-Model 测试的区别:
1. | It takes place alongside the development phase. | It takes place after the full completion of development phase. |
2. | In this, development team and testing team work together. | In v testing, development team and testing team work are separate. |
3. | In this, acceptance testing is carried out after every iteration. | In this, acceptance testing is carried out only in the end. |
4. | It approaches to achieve working product / application, at the end of each iteration. | It does not contain any iteration approach. |
5. | It mandates customer interaction on a regular basis. | It does not mandates customer interaction on a regular basis. |
6. | It is more suitable for the projects where requirements change rapidly. | It is suitable where requirement changes are almost none. |
7. | In this, testing is not a separate phase. | In this, testing is a separate phase. |
8. | It tests each module after its development. | It tests whole software together. |