在本文中,我们将了解 XAMPP 和 LAMP 及其功能。我们还将看到 XAMPP 和 LAMP 之间的主要区别。
XAMPP: XAMPP 代表 X 操作系统、Apache、MysSQL、 PHP、Perl。它是一个开放的资源平台,可以完全免费下载。它包括支持 Perl、Mercury Mail 和 Filezilla 等属性。它是多平台的,并受到许多操作系统的支持,例如 Windows、macOS 和 Linux。许多报告编解码器都支持它,这增加了它的健壮性。它易于安装和配置。在 XAMPP 中,控制面板使其易于管理和实施。
LAMP: LAMP 代表 Linux、Apache、MariaDB/MySQL/MongoDB 和PHP/Perl/ Python。它是一堆开源解决方案,适用于构建网站,可以安装在任何 Linux 发行版上。也许有人只是为此目的构建了一个发行版,但这个概念适用于任何 Linux 发行版。
Xampp 和 Lamp 的区别:
1. | It is a cross-platform software package supported by platforms like Mac OS, Linux, and Windows. | It is an open-source platform and works on the Linux operating system. |
2. | It is easy to download and install but may differ for different platforms. | It is handy to install and run. |
3. | It uses MariaDB, which is a relational database for storing and retrieving operations on data. | It uses MySQL, which is a relational database for storing and retrieving operations on data. |
4. | The programming or scripting languages used for development in XAMPP are PHP and Perl. | The programming or scripting languages used for development in LAMP is PHP, Perl and Python. |
5. | It is more powerful and resource taking as compared to LAMP. | It is less powerful and resource taking as compared to XAMPP. |
6. | It comes with extra features like supporting Filezilla, Perl, Mercury Mail and some other scripts. | It does not have these features. |
7. | It is available on a 32-bit system. | It is available on 32-bit and 64-bit systems. |