拖鞋 :
闩锁是一种电子设备,它根据应用的输入立即改变其输出。它用于在任何指定时间存储 1 或 0。它由两个输入即“SET”和 RESET 以及两个输出组成,它们相互补充。
SNO | Flip-flop | Latch |
1 | Flip-flop is a bistable device i.e., it has two stable states that are represented as 0 and 1. | Latch is also a bistable device whose states are also represented as 0 and 1. |
2 | It checks the inputs but changes the output only at times defined by the clock signal or any other control signal. | It checks the inputs continuously and responds to the changes in inputs immediately. |
3 | It is a edge triggered device. | It is a level triggered device. |
4 | Gates like NOR, NOT, AND, NAND are building blocks of flip flops. | These are also made up of gates. |
5 | They are classified into asynchronous or synchronous flipflops. | There is no such classification in latches. |
6 | It forms the building blocks of many sequential circuits like counters. | These can be used for the designing of sequential circuits but are not generally preferred. |
7 | a, Flip-flop always have a clock signal | latche doesn’t have a clock signal |
8 | Flip-flop can be build from Latches | Latches can be build from gates |
9 | ex:D Flip-flop, JK Flip-flop | ex:SR Latch, D Latch |