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📜  通过从头开始重复选择最多 2*M 个数组元素来最大化奇数索引数组元素的总和

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-24 03:17:42             🧑  作者: Mango

给定的阵列ARR []N个整数和整数M(最初1)中,任务是找到由玩家A选择的数组元素的最大总和时两个玩家AB最佳地根据下面的规则进行游戏:

  • 玩家 A开始游戏。
  • 每次都可以从数组的开头选择X个元素,其中X包含在[1, 2*M]范围内由各自的玩家轮流选择。
  • 在上述步骤中选择数组元素后,将这些元素从数组中移除,并将M的值更新为XM的最大值。
  • 上面的过程会一直持续到所有的数组元素都被选中。


朴素的方法:解决给定问题的最简单的方法是使用递归并根据给定的规则从一开始为两个玩家生成所有可能的选择元素组合,并打印为玩家 A获得的选择元素的最大和。按照以下步骤解决给定的问题:

  • 声明一个递归函数,比如recursiveChoosing(arr, start, M) ,它接受参数数组、当前数组的起始索引和M 的初始值,并在此函数执行以下操作:
    • 如果start的值大于N ,则返回0
    • 如果(N – start)的值最多为2*M ,则返回数组元素从索引start 开始的总和,用于玩家的相应分数。
    • maxSum初始化为0 ,它存储玩家 A选择的数组元素的最大总和。
    • 从头开始查找数组元素的总和并将其存储在变量中,例如total
    • 迭代范围[1, 2*M] ,并执行以下步骤:
      • 对于每个元素X ,从开始选择X 个元素并递归调用从剩余的(N – X) 个元素中选择元素。让此调用返回的值存储在maxSum 中
      • 在上述递归调用结束后,将maxSum的值更新为maxSum(total – maxSum)的最大值。
    • 在每次递归调用中返回maxSum的值。
  • 完成上述步骤后,打印函数recursiveChoosing(arr, 0, 1)返回的值。


// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
// Sum of all numbers in the array
// after start index
int sum(int arr[], int start, int N)
    int sum1 = 0;
    for(int i = start; i < N; i++)
        sum1 += arr[i];
    return sum1;
// Function to find the maximum sum of
// array elements chosen by Player A
// according to the given criteria
int recursiveChoosing(int arr[], int start,
                      int M, int N)
    // Corner Case
    if (start >= N)
        return 0;
    // Check if all the elements can
    // be taken
    if (N - start <= 2 * M)
        // If the difference is less than
        // or equal to the available
        // chances then pick all numbers
        return sum(arr, start, N);
    int psa = 0;
    // Sum of all numbers in the array
    int total = sum(arr, start, N);
    // Explore each element X
    // Skipping the k variable as per
    // the new updated chance of utility
    for(int x = 1; x < 2 * M + 1; x++)
        // Sum of elements for Player A
        int psb = recursiveChoosing(arr, start + x,
                                    max(x, M), N);
        // Even chance sum can be obtained
        // by subtracting the odd chances
        // sum - total and picking up the
        // maximum from that
        psa = max(psa, total - psb);
    // Return the maximum sum of odd chances
    return psa;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given array arr[]
    int arr[] = { 2, 7, 9, 4, 4 };
    int N = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    // Function Call
    cout << recursiveChoosing(arr, 0, 1, N);
// This code is contributed by ipg2016107

// Java program for the above approach
import java.io.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Function to find the maximum sum of
// array elements chosen by Player A
// according to the given criteria
static int recursiveChoosing(int arr[], int start,
                             int M, int N)
    // Corner Case
    if (start >= N)
        return 0;
    // Check if all the elements can
    // be taken
    if (N - start <= 2 * M)
        // If the difference is less than
        // or equal to the available
        // chances then pick all numbers
        return sum(arr, start);
    int psa = 0;
    // Sum of all numbers in the array
    int total = sum(arr, start);
    // Explore each element X
    // Skipping the k variable as per
    // the new updated chance of utility
    for(int x = 1; x < 2 * M + 1; x++)
        // Sum of elements for Player A
        int psb = recursiveChoosing(arr, start + x,
                                    Math.max(x, M), N);
        // Even chance sum can be obtained
        // by subtracting the odd chances
        // sum - total and picking up the
        // maximum from that
        psa = Math.max(psa, total - psb);
    // Return the maximum sum of odd chances
    return psa;
// Sum of all numbers in the array after start index
static int sum(int arr[], int start)
    int sum = 0;
    for(int i = start; i < arr.length; i++)
        sum += arr[i];
    return sum;
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    // Given array arr[]
    int arr[] = { 2, 7, 9, 4, 4 };
    int N = arr.length;
    // Function Call
        arr, 0, 1, N));
// This code is contributed by Kingash

# Python program for the above approach
# Function to find the maximum sum of
# array elements chosen by Player A
# according to the given criteria
def recursiveChoosing(arr, start, M):
    # Corner Case
    if start >= N:
        return 0
    # Check if all the elements can
    # be taken
    if N - start <= 2 * M:
        # If the difference is less than
        # or equal to the available
        # chances then pick all numbers
        return sum(arr[start:])
    psa = 0
    # Sum of all numbers in the array
    total = sum(arr[start:])
    # Explore each element X
    # Skipping the k variable as per
    # the new updated chance of utility
    for x in range(1, 2 * M + 1):
        # Sum of elements for Player A
        psb = recursiveChoosing(arr,
                            start + x, max(x, M))
        # Even chance sum can be obtained
        # by subtracting the odd chances
        # sum - total and picking up the
        # maximum from that
        psa = max(psa, total - psb) 
    # Return the maximum sum of odd chances
    return psa
# Driver Code
# Given array arr[]
arr = [2, 7, 9, 4, 4]
N = len(arr)
# Function Call
print(recursiveChoosing(arr, 0, 1))

// C# program for the above approach
using System;
class GFG{
// Function to find the maximum sum of
// array elements chosen by Player A
// according to the given criteria
static int recursiveChoosing(int[] arr, int start,
                             int M, int N)
    // Corner Case
    if (start >= N)
        return 0;
    // Check if all the elements can
    // be taken
    if (N - start <= 2 * M)
        // If the difference is less than
        // or equal to the available
        // chances then pick all numbers
        return sum(arr, start);
    int psa = 0;
    // Sum of all numbers in the array
    int total = sum(arr, start);
    // Explore each element X
    // Skipping the k variable as per
    // the new updated chance of utility
    for(int x = 1; x < 2 * M + 1; x++)
        // Sum of elements for Player A
        int psb = recursiveChoosing(arr, start + x,
                                    Math.Max(x, M), N);
        // Even chance sum can be obtained
        // by subtracting the odd chances
        // sum - total and picking up the
        // maximum from that
        psa = Math.Max(psa, total - psb);
    // Return the maximum sum of odd chances
    return psa;
// Sum of all numbers in the array after start index
static int sum(int[] arr, int start)
    int sum = 0;
    for(int i = start; i < arr.Length; i++)
        sum += arr[i];
    return sum;
// Driver Code
public static void Main()
    // Given array arr[]
    int[] arr = { 2, 7, 9, 4, 4 };
    int N = arr.Length;
    // Function Call
        arr, 0, 1, N));
// This code is contributed by susmitakundugoaldanga


# Python program for the above approach
# Function to find the maximum sum of
# array elements chosen by Player A
# according to the given criteria
def recursiveChoosing(arr, start, M, dp):
    # Store the key
    key = (start, M)
    # Corner Case
    if start >= N:
        return 0
    # Check if all the elements can
    # be taken or not
    if N - start <= 2 * M:
        # If the difference is less than
        # or equal to the available
        # chances then pick all numbers
        return sum(arr[start:])
    psa = 0
    # Find the sum of array elements
    # over the range [start, N]
    total = sum(arr[start:])
    # Checking if the current state is
    # previously calculated or not
    # If yes then return that value
    if key in dp:
        return dp[key]
    # Traverse over the range [1, 2 * M]
    for x in range(1, 2 * M + 1):
        # Sum of elements for Player A
        psb = recursiveChoosing(arr,
                          start + x, max(x, M), dp)
        # Even chance sum can be obtained
        # by subtracting the odd chances
        # sum - total and picking up the
        # maximum from that
        psa = max(psa, total - psb)
    # Storing the value in dictionary
    dp[key] = psa 
    # Return the maximum sum of odd chances
    return dp[key] 
# Driver Code
# Given array arr[]
arr = [2, 7, 9, 4, 4] 
N = len(arr) 
# Stores the precomputed values
dp = {} 
# Function Call
print(recursiveChoosing(arr, 0, 1, dp))


时间复杂度: O(K*2 N ),其中K超过范围[1, 2*M]
辅助空间: O(N 2 )





# Python program for the above approach
# Function to find the maximum sum of
# array elements chosen by Player A
# according to the given criteria
def recursiveChoosing(arr, start, M, dp):
    # Store the key
    key = (start, M)
    # Corner Case
    if start >= N:
        return 0
    # Check if all the elements can
    # be taken or not
    if N - start <= 2 * M:
        # If the difference is less than
        # or equal to the available
        # chances then pick all numbers
        return sum(arr[start:])
    psa = 0
    # Find the sum of array elements
    # over the range [start, N]
    total = sum(arr[start:])
    # Checking if the current state is
    # previously calculated or not
    # If yes then return that value
    if key in dp:
        return dp[key]
    # Traverse over the range [1, 2 * M]
    for x in range(1, 2 * M + 1):
        # Sum of elements for Player A
        psb = recursiveChoosing(arr,
                          start + x, max(x, M), dp)
        # Even chance sum can be obtained
        # by subtracting the odd chances
        # sum - total and picking up the
        # maximum from that
        psa = max(psa, total - psb)
    # Storing the value in dictionary
    dp[key] = psa 
    # Return the maximum sum of odd chances
    return dp[key] 
# Driver Code
# Given array arr[]
arr = [2, 7, 9, 4, 4] 
N = len(arr) 
# Stores the precomputed values
dp = {} 
# Function Call
print(recursiveChoosing(arr, 0, 1, dp))

时间复杂度: O(K*N 2 ),其中K[1, 2*M]范围内
辅助空间: O(N 2 )

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