计算机新手经常在随机存取存储器 (RAM) 和硬盘驱动器 (HDD) 之间混淆。下面我们将两者进行比较。
RAM 和 HDD 之间的相似之处:
- 两者都用于存储数据。
- 两者都是计算机的物理组件。
Parameter | RAM | HDD |
Full Form | RAM stands for Random Access Memory. | HDD stands for Hard Disk Drive. |
Also known as | RAM is also known as primary memory. | HDD is also known as secondary memory. |
Components | RAM does not contains, mechanical parts, only electronical parts like transistors. | HDD contains moving mechanical parts, like the arm. |
R/W Time | RAM has shorter R/W time. | HDD has longer R/W time. |
Memory Access | In RAM each and every element takes same time to be accessed. | In HDD different elements take different time to be accessed. |
Size | In a system the RAM is smaller than the HDD. | In a system the HDD is larger than the RAM. |
Cost | RAM is costlier per unit storage. | HDD is cheaper per unit storage. |
Noise | RAM does not produces noise. | HDD can produce noise due to mechanical movements. |
Duration of Data | Data stored in RAM is temporary. It remembers as long as it has electricity, i.e. the power is on. | Data stored in HDD is permanent, i.e. it retains data even after shutdown. |
Speed of Computer | Inadequate RAM slows down the speed of the computer. | HDD does not affect the speed of the computer. |